A collection of HTML widgets.
- Simple ⚾ scoreboard with team logos, team records, runs per innings, runs, hits, errors
- Handles postponed games, extra innings, doubleheaders, and no game
- Adding the SVG logos is an excercise left to the reader
- Retest with live data when the new season starts
- Finalize game status, e.g. "Yesterday" and warmup states
- Maybe use "?EXT=" + today.getTime() at the end of url to disable caching
- Widget can't be directly embedded into Start.me homepage because of HTTP url
- Widget can't be hosted on Github, Dropbox, or GDrive due to mixed HTTPS/HTTP content
- Simple ⚾ scoreboard with team logos, runs per innings, runs
- Handles extra innings, doubleheaders, and no game
- Line 4 requires your generated SportsFeeds authorization token
- Adding the SVG logos is an excercise left to the reader
- Redo with pending v2 API to get team record, hits, errors
- Retest with live data when the new season starts
- Finalize game status, e.g. postponed and warmp
- Postponed games are absent from results instead of being marked postponed
- Accept-Encoding: gzip with Javascript XMLHTTPRequest shows an error in the Firefox debugger
- v1.1 API scoreboard endpoint team= parameter is not working
- v1.1 API scoreboard endpoint response does not contain Hits, Errors, nor cumulative team record
- v1.1 API game_boxscore endpoint can't be called on its own because with gameId=YYYYMMDD-away-home the caller has to know which two teams are playing and which is away and home
- v1.1 API game_boxscore endpoint response Wins and Losses does not appear to be cumulative team record up to/including the game in question