Basic C99 factorization software. There is also a Quadratic Sieve for larger numbers.
This ~100 lines C software :
- uses a Miller–Rabin primality test
- uses a Pollard's rho algorithm
358205873110913227 = 380003149 * 942639223 took 0.01s
195482582293315223 = 242470939 * 806210357 took 0.0021s
107179818338278057 = 139812461 * 766597037 took 0.0023s
44636597321924407 = 182540669 * 244529603 took 0s
747503348409771887 = 865588487 * 863578201 took 0.016s
// GCC 128-bit extension available output :
170141183460469231731687303715506697937 =
13602473 * 230287853 * 54315095311400476747373 took 0.137699s
2139508543525359760856377898747 = 18122728927937 * 118056643236947131 took 17.2946s
2080913777018885818418638213057 = 283954641807703 * 7328331608778919 took 40.8842s
parameter 1: positive_number N
parameter 2: positive_number* array
Fill the second parameter array with the prime factors of N.
// 64-bit source code is here.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// allocate memory for 64 factors.
positive_number *array = calloc(64, sizeof(positive_number));
positive_number n = 7806418495977353572 ;
size_t n_factors = factor(n, array) - array ;
printf("There are %zu factors of %llu : \n", n_factors, n);
for(int i = 0; array[i]; ++i)
printf("- %llu\n", array[i]);
So you displayed the factors of n
There are 4 factors of 7806418495977353572 :
- 2
- 2
- 120317621
- 16220438933
The software should be executable on many platforms like Windows, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux, ...
You can rename main-64-bits.c
or main-128-bits.c
to primes.c
then compile + execute :
gcc -O3 -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic primes.c ;
./a.out ;
You can normally try it online with DigitalOcean 128-bits, Thank You.
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