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Microsoft Copilot Studio Samples


This repository contains samples and artifacts for Microsoft Copilot Studio.

Older samples and labs, largely focused on Power Virtual Agents, have been moved to the Legacy branch of this repo.

Useful links for Microsoft Copilot Studio

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Home page
Official blog
Community forum
Product documentation
Guidance documentation
Try Copilot Studio

Microsoft Copilot Studio and Agents SDK links

Description Link
M365 Agents SDK Github Repo for the M365 Agents SDK
M365 Agents SDK - C# Github Repo for the C# M365 Agents SDK
M365 Agents SDK - JavaScript Github Repo for the M365 Agents SDK
M365 Agents SDK - Python Github Repo for the M365 Agents SDK
Adaptive Cards Adaptive Cards docs and builder
Web Chat Web Chat Github Repo
Power Platform Snippets Copilot Studio snippets

Samples list

Sample Name Description View
3rdPartySSOWithOKTA Demonstrates how to implement a seamless SSO experience with a 3rd party authentication provider View
Adaptive Card Samples YAML sample with a dynamics Adaptive Cards (Power Fx) View
ImplementationGuide The implementation guide document provides a framework to do a 360-degree review of a Copilot Studio project. Through probing questions, it highlights potential risks and gaps, aims at aligning the project with the product roadmap, and shares guidance, best practices and reference architecture examples View
Dataverse Indexer Index the content of a SharePoint library into a Copilot Studio Agent as knowledge source files, along with citations that point to the source files in SharePoint View
Load Testing JMeter test plan to use as a starting point for load testing conversational agents built with Copilot Studio View
RelayBotSample Demonstrates how to connect your bot to existing Azure Bot Service channels View
SharePointSSOComponent A SharePoint component demonstrating how copilots can be deployed to SharePoint sites with SSO enabled View
Type Ahead Suggestions Demonstrates typeahead suggestion functionality for your custom copilot that can assist users finding things like frequently asked questions, auto correcting typos and showing a list of menu items like product names or topic names before sending a message to the copilot View
WebChat Customization Shows the Customization Options from the Azure AI Bot Services as well as some CSS to drastically change the look of your Copilot agent View


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Although the underlying features and components used to build these samples are fully supported (such as Copilot Studio bots, Power Platform products and capabilities, etc.), the samples themselves represent example implementations of these features. Our customers, partners, and community can use and customize these features to implement capabilities in their organizations.

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