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DocumentDB is the open-source engine powering vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB. It offers a native implementation of document-oriented NoSQL database, enabling seamless CRUD operations on BSON data types within a PostgreSQL framework.


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DocumentDB is the engine powering vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB. It offers a native implementation of document-oriented NoSQL database, enabling seamless CRUD operations on BSON data types within a PostgreSQL framework. Beyond basic operations, DocumentDB empowers you to execute complex workloads, including full-text searches, geospatial queries, and vector embeddings on your dataset, delivering robust functionality and flexibility for diverse data management needs.

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system that uses and extends the SQL language combined with many features that safely store and scale the most complicated data workloads.


The project comprises of two primary components, which work together to support document operations.

  • pg_documentdb_core : PostgreSQL extension introducing BSON datatype support and operations for native Postgres.
  • pg_documentdb : The public API surface for DocumentDB providing CRUD functionality on documents in the store.

Why DocumentDB ?

At DocumentDB, we believe in the power of open-source to drive innovation and collaboration. Our commitment to being a fully open-source document database means that we are dedicated to transparency, community involvement, and continuous improvement. We are open-sourced under the most permissive MIT license, where developers and organizations alike have no restrictions incorporating the project into new and existing solutions of their own. DocumentDB introduces the BSON data type and provides APIs for seamless operation within native PostgreSQL, enhancing efficiency and aligning with operational advantages.

DocumentDB also provides a powerful on-premise solution, allowing organizations to maintain full control over their data and infrastructure. This flexibility ensures that you can deploy it in your own environment, meeting your specific security, compliance, and performance requirements. With DocumentDB, you get the best of both worlds: the innovation of open-source and the control of on-premise deployment.

Based on Postgres

DocumentDB is built on top of PostgreSQL, one of the most advanced and reliable open-source relational database systems available. We chose PostgreSQL as our base layer for several reasons:

  1. Proven Stability and Performance: PostgreSQL has a long history of stability and performance, making it a trusted choice for mission-critical applications.
  2. Extensibility: Their extensible architecture allows us to integrate a DocumentDB API on BSON data type seamlessly, providing the flexibility to handle both relational and document data.
  3. Active Community: PostgreSQL has a vibrant and active community that continuously contributes to its development, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of database technology.
  4. Advanced Features: PostgreSQL offers a rich set of features, including advanced indexing, full-text search, and powerful querying capabilities, which enhance the functionality of DocumentDB.
  5. Compliance and Security: PostgreSQL's robust security features and compliance with various standards make it an ideal choice for organizations with stringent security and regulatory requirements.

By building on PostgreSQL, DocumentDB leverages these strengths to provide a powerful, flexible, and reliable document database that meets the need of modern applications. DocumentDB will continue to benefit from the advancements brought into the PostgreSQL ecosystem.

Get Started


  • Ensure Docker is installed on your system.

Building DocumentDB with Docker

Step 1: Clone the DocumentDB repo.

git clone

Step 2: Create the docker image. Navigate to cloned repo.

docker build . -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile -t documentdb 

Note: Validate using docker image ls

Step 3: Run the Image as a container

docker run -v $(pwd):/home/documentdb/code -it documentdb /bin/bash 

cd code

(Aligns local location with docker image created, allows de-duplicating cloning repo again within image).
Note: Validate container is running docker container ls

Step 4: Build & Deploy the binaries


Note: Run in case of an unsuccessful build git config --global --add /home/DocumentDB/code within image.

sudo make install

Note: To run backend postgresql tests after installing you can run make check.

You are all set to work with DocumentDB.

Connecting to the Server

Step 1: Run to initialize the DocumentDB server and manage dependencies.


Step 2: Connect to psql shell

psql -p 9712 -d postgres


Once you have your DocumentDB set up running, you can start with creating collections, indexes and perform queries on them.

Create a collection

DocumentDB provides documentdb_api.create_collection function to create a new collection within a specified database, enabling you to manage and organize your BSON documents effectively.

SELECT documentdb_api.create_collection('documentdb','patient');

Perform CRUD operations

Insert documents

The documentdb_api.insert_one command is used to add a single document into a collection.

select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','patient', '{ "patient_id": "P001", "name": "Alice Smith", "age": 30, "phone_number": "555-0123", "registration_year": "2023","conditions": ["Diabetes", "Hypertension"]}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','patient', '{ "patient_id": "P002", "name": "Bob Johnson", "age": 45, "phone_number": "555-0456", "registration_year": "2023", "conditions": ["Asthma"]}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','patient', '{ "patient_id": "P003", "name": "Charlie Brown", "age": 29, "phone_number": "555-0789", "registration_year": "2024", "conditions": ["Allergy", "Anemia"]}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','patient', '{ "patient_id": "P004", "name": "Diana Prince", "age": 40, "phone_number": "555-0987", "registration_year": "2024", "conditions": ["Migraine"]}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','patient', '{ "patient_id": "P005", "name": "Edward Norton", "age": 55, "phone_number": "555-1111", "registration_year": "2025", "conditions": ["Hypertension", "Heart Disease"]}');

Read document from a collection

The documentdb_api.collection function is used for retrieving the documents in a collection.

SELECT document FROM documentdb_api.collection('documentdb','patient');

Alternatively, we can apply filter to our queries.

SET search_path TO documentdb_api, documentdb_core;
SET documentdb_core.bsonUseEJson TO true;

SELECT cursorPage FROM documentdb_api.find_cursor_first_page('documentdb', '{ "find" : "patient", "filter" : {"patient_id":"P005"}}');

We can perform range queries as well.

SELECT cursorPage FROM documentdb_api.find_cursor_first_page('documentdb', '{ "find" : "patient", "filter" : { "$and": [{ "age": { "$gte": 10 } },{ "age": { "$lte": 35 } }] }}');

Update document in a collection

DocumentDB uses the documentdb_api.update function to modify existing documents within a collection.

The SQL command updates the age for patient P004.

select documentdb_api.update('documentdb', '{"update":"patient", "updates":[{"q":{"patient_id":"P004"},"u":{"$set":{"age":14}}}]}');

Similarly, we can update multiple documents using multi property.

SELECT documentdb_api.update('documentdb', '{"update":"patient", "updates":[{"q":{},"u":{"$set":{"age":24}},"multi":true}]}');

Delete document from the collection

DocumentDB uses the documentdb_api.delete function for precise document removal based on specified criteria.

The SQL command deletes the document for patient P002.

SELECT documentdb_api.delete('documentdb', '{"delete": "patient", "deletes": [{"q": {"patient_id": "P002"}, "limit": 1}]}');

Collection management

We can review for the available collections and databases by querying documentdb_api.list_collections_cursor_first_page.

SELECT * FROM documentdb_api.list_collections_cursor_first_page('documentdb', '{ "listCollections": 1 }');

documentdb_api.list_indexes_cursor_first_page allows reviewing for the existing indexes on a collection. We can find collection_id from documentdb_api.list_collections_cursor_first_page.

SELECT documentdb_api.list_indexes_cursor_first_page('documentdb','{"listIndexes": "patient"}');

ttl indexes by default gets scheduled through the pg_cron scheduler, which could be reviewed by querying the cron.job table.

select * from cron.job;


Create an Index

DocumentDB uses the documentdb_api.create_indexes_background function, which allows background index creation without disrupting database operations.

The SQL command demonstrates how to create a single field index on age on the patient collection of the documentdb.

SELECT * FROM documentdb_api.create_indexes_background('documentdb', '{ "createIndexes": "patient", "indexes": [{ "key": {"age": 1},"name": "idx_age"}]}');

The SQL command demonstrates how to create a compound index on fields age and registration_year on the patient collection of the documentdb.

SELECT * FROM documentdb_api.create_indexes_background('documentdb', '{ "createIndexes": "patient", "indexes": [{ "key": {"registration_year": 1, "age": 1},"name": "idx_regyr_age"}]}');

Drop an Index

DocumentDB uses the documentdb_api.drop_indexes function, which allows you to remove an existing index from a collection. The SQL command demonstrates how to drop the index named id_ab_1 from the first_collection collection of the documentdb.

CALL documentdb_api.drop_indexes('documentdb', '{"dropIndexes": "patient", "index":"idx_age"}');

Perform aggregations Group by

DocumentDB provides the documentdb_api.aggregate_cursor_first_page function, for performing aggregations over the document store.

The example projects an aggregation on number of patients registered over the years.

SELECT cursorpage FROM documentdb_api.aggregate_cursor_first_page('documentdb', '{ "aggregate": "patient", "pipeline": [ { "$group": { "_id": "$registration_year", "count_patients": { "$count": {} } } } ] , "cursor": { "batchSize": 3 } }');

We can perform more complex operations, listing below a few more usage examples. The example demonstrates an aggregation on patients, categorizing them into buckets defined by registration_year boundaries.

SELECT cursorpage FROM documentdb_api.aggregate_cursor_first_page('documentdb', '{ "aggregate": "patient", "pipeline": [ { "$bucket": { "groupBy": "$registration_year", "boundaries": ["2022","2023","2024"], "default": "unknown" } } ], "cursor": { "batchSize": 3 } }');

This query performs an aggregation on the patient collection to group documents by registration_year. It collects unique patient conditions for each registration year using the $addToSet operator.

SELECT cursorpage FROM documentdb_api.aggregate_cursor_first_page('documentdb', '{ "aggregate": "patient", "pipeline": [ { "$group": { "_id": "$registration_year", "conditions": { "$addToSet": { "conditions" : "$conditions" } } } } ], "cursor": { "batchSize": 3 } }');

Join data from multiple collections

Let's create an additional collection named appointment to demonstrate how a join operation can be performed.

select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','appointment', '{"appointment_id": "A001", "patient_id": "P001", "doctor_name": "Dr. Milind", "appointment_date": "2023-01-20", "reason": "Routine checkup" }');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','appointment', '{"appointment_id": "A002", "patient_id": "P001", "doctor_name": "Dr. Moore", "appointment_date": "2023-02-10", "reason": "Follow-up"}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','appointment', '{"appointment_id": "A004", "patient_id": "P003", "doctor_name": "Dr. Smith", "appointment_date": "2024-03-12", "reason": "Allergy consultation"}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','appointment', '{"appointment_id": "A005", "patient_id": "P004", "doctor_name": "Dr. Moore", "appointment_date": "2024-04-15", "reason": "Migraine treatment"}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','appointment', '{"appointment_id": "A007","patient_id": "P001", "doctor_name": "Dr. Milind", "appointment_date": "2024-06-05", "reason": "Blood test"}');
select documentdb_api.insert_one('documentdb','appointment', '{ "appointment_id": "A009", "patient_id": "P003", "doctor_name": "Dr. Smith","appointment_date": "2025-01-20", "reason": "Follow-up visit"}');

The example presents each patient along with the doctors visited.

SELECT cursorpage FROM documentdb_api.aggregate_cursor_first_page('documentdb', '{ "aggregate": "patient", "pipeline": [ { "$lookup": { "from": "appointment","localField": "patient_id", "foreignField": "patient_id", "as": "appointment" } },{"$unwind":"$appointment"},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"appointment.doctor_name":1,"appointment.appointment_date":1}} ], "cursor": { "batchSize": 3 } }');


  • Please refer to page for contributing to our Roadmap list.
  • FerretDB integration allows using DocumentDB as backend engine.

Contributors and users can join the DocumentDB Discord channel in the Microsoft OSS server for quick collaboration.


Q1. While performing make check if you encounter error FATAL: "/home/documentdb/code/pg_documentdb_core/src/test/regress/tmp/data" has wrong ownership?

Please drop the /home/documentdb/code/pg_documentdb_core/src/test/regress/tmp/ directory and rerun the make check.


DocumentDB is the open-source engine powering vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB. It offers a native implementation of document-oriented NoSQL database, enabling seamless CRUD operations on BSON data types within a PostgreSQL framework.



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