This project is a tool to retrieve CJSW podcasts from their website, name and organize them, and set the ID3 tags.
To get this script working, some packages are required for python, run the following commands to install them.
pip install lxml
pip install requests
pip install pathlib
Using Debian, the following packages must be installed before getting lxml.
apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev
In the directory that this project is cloned to, run the command
python <target directory>
Where <target directory>
is the high level directory to save the podcasts
into. The script will automatically organize the podcasts into sub directories
within <target directory>
based on the genre and program.
python <target directory> <genre>
For use in a script that requires no user interaction, a specific genre can be
passed to the scraper. All programs in the genre specified by <genre>
have their latest episodes downloaded.