Mina Pêcheux - Since March 2021
This repository contains the code for my on-going series of tutorials on how to make a real-time strategy (RTS) game in the well-known game engine Unity! Throughout this series of tutorials, I explore C# scripting for games, GUI building, event systems, behavior trees, sound optimization...
You can find the list of all tutorials on Medium, or right below:
- Tutorial #1: Placing buildings
- Tutorial #2: Adding a very basic UI
- Tutorial #3: Setting up in-game resources
- Interlude #1: Introducing an event system
- Tutorial #4: Selecting units
- Tutorial #5: Transforming our data into Scriptable Objects
- Tutorial #6: Improving the UI
- Tutorial #7: Polymorphism, take 2!
- Tutorial #8: Boosting our selection feature
- Tutorial #9: Implementing character units and skills
- Tutorial #10: Moving the camera
- Interlude #2: Refactoring the event system
- Tutorial #11: Adding a day-and-night cycle
- Tutorial #12: Moving Character Units
- Tutorial #13: Adding a minimap and fog of war 1/3
- Tutorial #14: Adding a minimap and fog of war 2/3
- Tutorial #15: Adding a minimap and fog of war 3/3
- Tutorial #16: Introducing a sound system 1/2
- Tutorial #17: Introducing a sound system 2/2
- Tutorial #18: Preparing our game parameters
- Tutorial #19: Displaying our in-game settings!
- Tutorial #20: Saving the player’s data properly
- Tutorial #21: Adding players and unit ownership
- Tutorial #22: Producing some resources with our buildings
- Tutorial #23: Implementing behaviour trees for our units 1/3
- Tutorial #24: Implementing behaviour trees for our units 2/3
- Tutorial #25: Implementing behaviour trees for our units 3/3
- Tutorial #26: Levelling up our units! 1/2
- Tutorial #27: Levelling up our units! 2/2
The project was written in Unity 2019.3. This implies that, when loading it up with more recent versions of Unity, you'll need to auto-upgrade the project. This usually goes without a hitch, but there is for now 1 bug that has been spotted by the followers and I:
- FOV shader bug (thanks to @Oarcinae): upgrading to Unity 2019.4 might lead to unexpected behaviour for the FOV shader (because of pipeline render defaults changes); to fix the issue, you can try modifying the
and comment out the line:#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11 gles
(still an open issue #2, any help is welcome 🙂)