Praise the albatrouz. It got TILT-Wings
The albatross will tell you for himself. Volume up and tilt around the house! 🦅
The project provides three ways of building for different use cases:
- Build as an openapi-generator plugin.
- Build a complete openapi-generator bundle with albatrouz baked in.
- Build a docker container that has an openapi-generator as entrypoint.
For the first two, you need a local java development environment with:
- OpenJDK 18
- Maven
For the docker build, you need Docker Desktop. Building in other container environments works as well, but are neither instructed nor officially supported.
mvn package
mvn compile assembly:assembly
docker build -t albatrouz
In general, albatrouz is started using openapi-generator-cli
as follows:
openapi-generator generate -g tira
The actual command line call depends on the way you built the project.
To run albatrouz as a plugin, you need to provide an openapi-generator
installation. Then, add the plugin to the classpath. This differs on Windows slighty from unixoid systems. If you are using WSL2 or a cygwin/mingw based shell and encouter issues, try the windows syntax.
Execute on UNIXish systems:
PARAMS="-g tira -i /my/openapi.yaml -o outputDir/"
java -cp target/tira-openapi-generator-1.0.0.jar:$OPENAPI_GENERATOR_JAR org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator generate $PARAMS
For Windows, you will need to use ;
instead of :
in the classpath:
SET PARAMS=-g tira -i .\my\openapi.yaml -o .\outputDir
SET OPENAPI_GENERATOR_JAR=C:\thePath\to\openapi-generator.jar
java -cp "target/tira-openapi-generator-1.0.0.jar;%OPENAPI_GENERATOR_JAR%" org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator generate %PARAMS%
As a standalone build, you just need to execute the generated .jar
PARAMS="-g tira -i .\my\openapi.yaml -o .\outputDir"
java -jar target/tira-openapi-generator-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar generate $PARAMS
As the .jar
is set as entrypoint of the built image, running docker run
and prepending the command line arguments is sufficient
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/openapi albatrouz generate -g tira -i /openapi/openapi.yaml -o /openapi/outDir