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Security: misselvexu/fury


Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you believe you have found any security (technical) vulnerability in Fury, you are welcomed to submit a vulnerability report to us at . In case of reporting any security vulnerability, please be noted that you need to include following information (Qualified Reporting):

  • The code and fury version
  • A detailed description with necessary screenshots
  • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability and your advice to fix it
  • Other useful information


Dynamic serialization such as fury java/python native serialization supports deserialize unregistered types, which provides more dynamics and flexibility, but also introduce security risks.

For example, the deserialization may invoke init constructor or equals/hashCode method, if the method body of unknown types contains malicious code, the system will be at risks.

Fury provides a class registration secure option and enabled by default for such protocols, which allows only deserializing trusted registered types or built-in types.

Do not disable class registration unless you can ensure your environment is indeed secure. We are not responsible for security risks if you disable this option.

When this option is disabled, a class blacklist is used to mitigate security risks. The blacklist is limited, incomplete, not actively updated, maintained by community, and can't prevent all risks. We'd like to accept blacklist updates, but we do not assume any responsibility for blacklist mode security.

There aren’t any published security advisories