Simple script to Update all or defined (with Option --hosts)
IPv4 (and/or) IPv6 Addresses for one domain hosted by netcup
ONLY UPDATING. No adding, deleting, creating, changing names, ...
Using the Netcup-DNS_API.
Copy the file to your preferred folder.
Fill out your data:
- $ncid = '123456';
- $apikey = 'Your-apikey';
- $apipw = 'Your-apipassword';
- $domain = '';
Your choice:
- select IPv4 and/or IPv6:
- $ipv4 = true;
- $ipv6 = false;
Define your Hostnames:
- $hostsv4 = [];
- $hostsv6 = [];
- $hostsv4 = ['*', '@', 'server', ...];
Your preferred Server:
- $url4 = '';
- $url4b = '';
- $url6 = '';
- $url6b = '';
At first start:
- cip4.log (and/or) cip6.log files for saving current addresses are created in the same folder.
At start-up before login:
- an ip check compares the current and the stored ip.
- If nothing has changed, the script will abort.
- The script starts if ip changed or option --force is set.
Use: ./dncapi.php
Use with option: ./dncapi.php --force
option | description |
--force | ignore ip check, starts the script |
--hosts | use your declared hostnames |
--debug | some informations |
--info | shows Zone informations |
Example outputs for IPv4:
1. Cronjob
0,30 * * * * /your path to/dncapi.php
- Using in cronjob:
- --> if NO Error or Update
- --> debug and force not activated
- there is no Output
- Using in cronjob:
2. Output (--force)
yyyy@xxx: ./dncapi.php --force
Option "--force" is Set: ignore's ipcheck and different IPv(4/6) will be changed.
IPv4 Address not changed but Option "--force" is Set. --> continue.
Login: success
--> force
| ID | HostName | DNS IP | Public IP | Status |
| 44433344 | * | | | equal |
| 44433355 | @ | | | equal |
| 44433366 | xxxx | | | different |
| 44433366 | xxxx | updated successfully! |
| 43355566 | yyyy | | | equal |
<-- force
Logout: success
3. Output (--info)
- --debug and --force are activated automatically
- --> but no changes are made
- --> only info
yyyy@xxx: ./dncapi.php --info
Option "--info" is Set: no changes will be made.
Get IPv4 from first server ip: is valid
IPv4 Address not changed but Option "--info" is Set. --> continue.
IPv4 your choice: IPv4 = true.
IPv6 your choice: IPv6 = false.
Option --hosts = false.
Your host declaration v4: 2 --> "xxxx", "yyyy"
Your host declaration v6: all
Login: success
Your Login ID: cjc0M2MxOTI1NjhSM12345678912345672ZCUm1RSTU5NjFBOD
--> info: Domain Zone
| ID | Name | Type | IP |
| 44433344 | * | A | |
| 44433355 | @ | A | |
| 44433366 | xxxx | A | |
| 43355566 | yyyy | A | |
<-- info
Logout: success