Welcome to the CellMap Segmentation Challenge documentation!
This Python package provides a simple and flexible API for:
- Accessing challenge data
- Running model training
- Making predictions
- Evaluating results
The package is built on top of the cellmap-data
package, which offers tools for interacting with the CellMap data format. Whether you're a beginner or advanced user, this package is designed to be easy to use and highly extensible.
We recommend using micromamba to create a new environment with the required dependencies. You can install micromamba by following the instructions here. The fastest way to do this install is to run the following in your terminal:
"${SHELL}" <(curl -L micro.mamba.pm/install.sh)
Once you have micromamba installed, you can create a new environment with the required dependencies by running the following commands:
# Create a new environment
micromamba create -n csc -y python=3.11
# Activate the environment
micromamba activate csc
You can clone and install the repository by running the following command:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/janelia-cellmap/cellmap-segmentation-challenge
# Install the repo in editable mode
cd cellmap-segmentation-challenge
pip install -e .
The repository is structured as follows:
├── examples/
│ ├── train_2D.py
│ ├── train_3D.py
│ ├── predict_2D.py
│ ├── predict_3D.py
│ ├── ...
│ └── README.md
├── src/
│ ├── cellmap_segmentation_challenge/
│ │ ├── models/
│ │ │ ├── model_load.py
│ │ │ ├── unet_model_2D.py
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ │ └── README.md
│ │ └── ...
├── data/
│ ├── ...
│ └── README.md
├── ...
├── README.md
└── ...
Once you have installed this package, you can download the challenge data by running the following command:
csc fetch-data
This will retrieve all of the groundtruth data and corresponding EM data for each crop and save it to ./data
on your local filesystem.
Additionally, you can request raw data in all resolutions (not just those matching the annotations), extra raw data beyond the borders of the annotation crops (i.e. padding), custom download location, and more. To see all the options for the fetch-data
command, run
csc fetch-data --help
Example scripts for training 2D and 3D models are provided in the examples
directory. The scripts are named train_2D.py
and train_3D.py
, respectively, and are thoroughly annotated for clarity. You can run one such script by running the following on the command line:
cd examples
python train_2D.py
This will train a 2D model on the training data and save the model weights to a file (defaults to ./checkpoints/*.pth
), along with logging loss and validation metrics, and sample predictions, viewable in TensorBoard. To view the TensorBoard logs, and monitor training progress, run the following command (assuming you are using the default log directory):
tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard
You can also train a 3D model by running the same command with train_3D.py
python train_3D.py
For more information on the available options and how training works, see the README.md
in the examples
folder, as well as the documentation in examples/train_2D.py
and examples/train_3D.py
Example scripts for predicting on test data are also provided in the examples
directory. The scripts are named predict_2D.py
and predict_3D.py
, respectively. You can use one such script by simply running the following on the command line:
python predict_2D.py
There is also a built in command to run predictions, given the path to a model (or training) configuration file. To learn more, you can run the following in the terminal:
csc predict --help
Also see the README.md
in the examples
folder for more information on the available options, as well as the documentation in examples/predict_2D.py
and examples/predict_3D.py
After making predictions on the test data, you may want to post-process the predictions to improve the results. Example scripts for post-processing are provided in the examples
directory, named process_2D.py
and process_3D.py
. They are annotated for clarity. You can run one such script by running the following on the command line:
csc process process_2D.py
This functionality allows you to define any process_func
that takes in a batch of predictions and returns a batch of post-processed predictions. This can be used to apply any post-processing steps you like, such as thresholding, merging IDs for connected components, filtering based on object size, etc..
For more information on the available options and how post-processing works, see the README.md
in the examples
folder, as well as the documentation in examples/process_2D.py
and examples/process_3D.py
, or run the following in the terminal:
csc process --help
During evaluations of submissions, for instance segmentation evaluated classes, connected components are computed on the supplied masks and the resulting instance IDs are assigned to each connected component. This will not merge already uniquely IDed objects. Thus, you do not need to run connected components on before submission, but you may wish to execute more advanced post-processing for instance segmentation, such as watershed.
To visualize all of the data and predictions, you can view them with neuroglancer. To do this, you can run the following command:
csc visualize
This will serve the data and predictions on a local server, and open a browser window with the neuroglancer viewer. You can then navigate through the data and predictions, and compare them side by side. The default call with no arguments will do this for all datasets and groundtruth, prediction, and processed crops for all label classes found at the search paths defined in the global configuration file (config.py
). You can also specify particular datasets, crops, labels classes, and whether to show groundtruth, predictions, or processed data to visualize.
As an example, the following command will visualize the groundtruth and predictions for the jrc_cos7-1a dataset, crops 234 and 236, and label classes nuc, cell, mito, and er:
csc visualize -d jrc_cos7-1a -c 234,236 -C nuc,cell,mito,er -k gt,predictions
Run the following command to see all the options:
csc visualize --help
To submit your predictions, first make sure that they are in the correct format (see below), then submit them through the online submission portal. You will need to sign in with your GitHub account to submit your predictions.
For convenience, if you have followed the prediction and processing steps described above and in the example scripts, you can use the following command to zip your predictions in the correct format:
csc pack-results
To see all the options for the pack-results
command, see the README in the examples
folder, or run
csc pack-results --help
If you are packaging your predictions manually, the submission file format requirements are as follows:
Submission file format requirements:
- The submission should be a single zip file containing a single Zarr-2 file with the following structure:
- /<test_volume_name>
- /<label_name>
- The names of the test volumes and labels should match the names of the test volumes and labels in the test data. See
for examples of how to generate predictions in the correct format. - The scale for all volumes is 8x8x8 nm/voxel, except as otherwise specified.
Assuming your data is already 8x8x8nm/voxel,and each label volume is either A) a 3D binary volume with the same shape and scale as the corresponding test volume, or B) instance IDs per object, you can convert the submission to the required format using the following convenience functions:
For converting a single 3D numpy array of class labels to a Zarr-2 file, use the following function:
Note: The class labels should start from 1, with 0 as background. -
For converting a list of 3D numpy arrays of binary or instance labels to a Zarr-2 file, use the following function:
Note: The instance labels, if used, should be unique IDs per object, with 0 as background.
The arguments for both functions are the same:
: The path to save the Zarr-2 file (ending with .zarr).test_volume_name
: The name of the test volume.label_names
: A list of label names corresponding to the list of 3D numpy arrays or the number of the class labels (0 is always assumed to be background).labels
: A list of 3D numpy arrays of binary labels or a single 3D numpy array of class labels.overwrite
: A boolean flag to overwrite the Zarr-2 file if it already exists.
To zip the Zarr-2 file, you can use the following command:
zip -r submission.zip submission.zarr