Simplest possible tool to listen on PostgreSQL channel and output notifications to standard output. Use in shell scripts etc.
Latest binary builds downloadable from
pg-notify-stdout <channel_name>
Configuration via environment variables:
The tool is useful in master/replica scenarios as LISTEN/NOTIFY does not work for clients connected to replicas. Example:
Let's say we want to have sepearate instances of
- one connected to master and serving both reads and updates
- another connected to one of the replicas and serving read requests only
We also want to be able to reconfigure both instances upon schema changes with NOTIFY pgrst, 'reload schema'
. Unfortunatelly it will not work for the one connected to a replica. It would be best if PostgREST could use separate connection configuratin for its notification listener but it is not (yet) implemented.
The solution is to have a daemon connected to master and listening on pgrst channel, sending USR2 signals to PostgREST instances upon each notification. But there is no such software though - the closest I could find is - but it looks to me WebSockets are really too much and would require wscat
or similar to use.
This small tool makes it possible to write a simple shell script to achieve this:
export PGHOST="pg1,pg2,pg3"
PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS="primary" postgrest&
PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS="prefer-standby" postgrest&
PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS="primary" pg-notify-stdout pgrst | ( while read -r msg; do if [ "$msg" = "reload schema" ]; then kill -USR2 $pid1 $pid2; fi; done; )
Thanks to fantastic pg-notify-stdout will reconnect to master even after switchover (PostgREST will do the same as it uses libpq underneath).
The fact that the program is hanging on a database connection and waiting for NOTIFY gives an opportunity to privide additional bonus feature: daatabase server availability monitoring. It can be used to trigger other programs reconnection upon master-replica switchover:
PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS="primary" pg-notify-stdout pgrst 3> >( while read -r; do kill -USR2 $pid1 $pid2; done )
pg-notify-stdout outputs empty lines to fd3 (stdout and stderr are already taken by NOTIFY messages and logging) upon each session disconnect event.