A PHP package to work with Tiptap content. You can transform Tiptap-compatible JSON to HTML, and the other way around. Or you can use it sanitize your content.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ueberdosis/tiptap-php
The PHP package mimics large parts of the JavaScript package. If you know your way around Tiptap, the PHP syntax will feel familiar to you.
Let’s start by converting a HTML snippet to a PHP array with a Tiptap-compatible structure:
(new Tiptap\Editor)
->setContent('<p>Example Text</p>')
// Returns:
// ['type' => 'doc', 'content' => …]
The JavaScript package returns a JSON string. You can do this in PHP, too.
(new Tiptap\Editor)
->setContent('<p>Example Text</p>')
// Returns:
// {"type": "doc", "content": …}
The other way works aswell. Just pass a JSON string or an PHP array to generate the HTML.
(new Tiptap\Editor)
'type' => 'doc',
'content' => [
'type' => 'paragraph',
'content' => [
'type' => 'text',
'text' => 'Example Text',
// Returns:
// <h1>Example Text</h1>
This doesn’t fully adhere to the ProseMirror schema. Some things are supported too, for example aren’t marks allowed in a CodeBlock
If you need better schema support, create an issue with the feature you’re missing.
A great use case for the PHP package is to clean (or “sanitize”) the content. You can do that with the sanitize()
method. Works with JSON strings, PHP arrays and HTML.
It’ll return the same format you’re using as the input format.
(new Tiptap\Editor)
->sanitize('<p>Example Text<script>alert("HACKED!")</script></p>');
// Returns:
// '<p>Example Text</p>'
With the descendants()
method you can loop through all nodes recursively as you are used to from the JavaScript package. But in PHP, you can even modify the node to update attributes and all that.
Warning: You need to add
to the parameter. Thats keeping a reference to the original item and allows to modify the original one, instead of just a copy.
$editor->descendants(function (&$node) {
if ($node->type !== 'heading') {
$node->attrs->level = 1;
By default, the StarterKit
is loaded, but you can pass a custom array of extensions aswell.
new Tiptap\Editor([
'extensions' => [
new Tiptap\Nodes\StarterKit,
new Tiptap\Nodes\Link,
Some extensions can be configured. Just pass an array to the constructor, that’s it. We’re aiming to support the same configuration as the JavaScript package.
new Tiptap\Editor([
'extensions' => [
// …
new Tiptap\Nodes\Heading([
'levels' => [1, 2, 3],
You can pass custom HTML attributes through the configuration, too.
new Tiptap\Editor([
'extensions' => [
// …
new Tiptap\Nodes\Heading([
'HTMLAttributes' => [
'class' => 'my-custom-class',
If you need to change minor details of the supported extensions, you can just extend an extension.
class CustomBold extends \Tiptap\Marks\Bold
public function renderHTML($mark)
// Renders <b> instead of <strong>
return ['b', 0]
new Tiptap\Editor([
'extensions' => [
new Paragraph,
new Text,
new CustomBold,
You can even build custom extensions. If you are used to the JavaScript API, you will be surprised how much of that works in PHP, too. 🤯 Find a simple example below.
Make sure to dig through the extensions in this repository to learn more about the PHP extension API.
use Tiptap\Core\Node;
class CustomNode extends Node
public static $name = 'customNode';
public function addOptions()
return [
'HTMLAttributes' => [],
public function parseHTML()
return [
'tag' => 'my-custom-tag[data-id]',
'tag' => 'my-custom-tag',
'getAttrs' => function ($DOMNode) {
return ! \Tiptap\Utils\InlineStyle::hasAttribute($DOMNode, [
'background-color' => '#000000',
]) ? null : false;
'style' => 'background-color',
'getAttrs' => function ($value) {
return (bool) preg_match('/^(black)$/', $value) ? null : false;
public function renderHTML($node)
return ['my-custom-tag', ['class' => 'foobar'], 0]
composer test
You can install nodemon (npm install -g nodemon
) to keep the test suite running and watch for file changes:
composer test-watch
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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.