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Create a Tweets UI
Maximilian Mackh edited this page Apr 17, 2020
2 revisions
// TweetViewController.swift
// BaseComponents Playground
// Created by mmackh on 15/02/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 proconsult.at gmbh. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import BaseComponents
class TweetCell: UITableViewCell {
var scrollingView: ScrollingView?
var imageWidth: CGFloat = 80
var retweetSplitView: ScrollingSplitView?
var tweetImageView: UIImageView?
var actionView: ScrollingSplitView?
var tweetLabel: PerformLabel?
override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
separatorInset = .init(top: 0, left: imageWidth, bottom: 0, right: 0)
self.scrollingView = contentView.addScrollingView(configurationHandler: { [weak self] (scrollingView) in
scrollingView.addSubview(UIView(), layoutType: .fixed, value: 10)
scrollingView.addScrollingSplitView(configurationHandler: { (splitView) in
splitView.direction = .horizontal
let usernameLabel = PerformLabel("Maximilian M")
.size(.body, .bold)
splitView.addSubview(usernameLabel, layoutType: .automatic)
splitView.addSubview(UIView(), layoutType: .fixed, value: 10)
let handlerLabel = PerformLabel("@mmackh")
splitView.addSubview(handlerLabel, layoutType: .automatic)
let timeLabel = PerformLabel("33m")
.size(.body, [.monoSpaceDigit,.bold])
.color(.text, .lightGray)
splitView.addSubview(timeLabel, layoutType: .percentage, value: 100)
}) { (parentRect) -> ScrollingSplitViewLayoutInstruction in
return .init(fixedLayoutTypeValue: 25, edgeInsets: .init(top: 0, left: self?.imageWidth ?? 0, bottom: 0, right: 15))
let tweetLabel = PerformLabel("""
So Julio, how is your hobby app coming along? Did you solve the problem with CoreData?
The code I wrote tonight:
self?.tweetLabel = tweetLabel
scrollingView.addSubview(tweetLabel, layoutType: .automatic, edgeInsets: .init(top: 0, left: self?.imageWidth ?? 0, bottom: 0, right: 15))
scrollingView.addSubview(UIView(), layoutType: .fixed, value: 10)
let tweetImageView = UIImageView()
.image(urlString: "https://picsum.photos/id/1/800/800")
tweetImageView.clipsToBounds = true
self?.tweetImageView = tweetImageView
scrollingView.addSubview(tweetImageView) { (parentRect) -> ScrollingViewLayoutInstruction in
.init(layoutType: .fixed, value: parentRect.width * 0.6, edgeInsets: .init(top: 0, left: self?.imageWidth ?? 0, bottom: 0, right: 15))
scrollingView.addSubview(UIView(), layoutType: .fixed, value: 10)
self?.retweetSplitView = scrollingView.addScrollingSplitView(configurationHandler: { (splitView) in
let retweetLabel = UILabel("Retweeted by Brent Shadown")
.color(.text, .lightGray)
splitView.addSubview(retweetLabel, layoutType: .automatic)
}) { (parentRect) -> ScrollingSplitViewLayoutInstruction in
return .init(fixedLayoutTypeValue: 25, edgeInsets: .init(top: 0, left: self?.imageWidth ?? 0, bottom: 10, right: 15))
scrollingView.addSubview(UIView(), layoutType: .fixed, value: 10)
self?.actionView = scrollingView.addScrollingSplitView(configurationHandler: { (splitView) in
splitView.direction = .horizontal
splitView.isHidden = true
splitView.color(.background, .red)
}) { (parentRect) -> ScrollingSplitViewLayoutInstruction in
return .init(fixedLayoutTypeValue: 44)
let thumbnailView = UIImageView()
thumbnailView.frame = .init(x: 10, y: 10, width: 60, height: 60)
thumbnailView.image(urlString: "https://picsum.photos/id/1/300/300")
thumbnailView.clipsToBounds = true
thumbnailView.layer.cornerRadius = 30
//self.accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator
override func bindObject(_ obj: AnyObject) {
let object: Int = obj as! Int
self.retweetSplitView?.isHidden = (object % 2 == 0)
self.tweetImageView?.isHidden = (object % 3 == 0)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
class TweetViewController: UIViewController {
var selectedTweet: Int?
lazy var dataRender: DataRender = { [weak self] in
let config = DataRenderConfiguration(cellClass: TweetCell.self)
let render = DataRender(configuration: config)
render.adjustInsets = true
render.itemAutomaticRowHeightCacheKeyHandler { (itemLayoutProperties) -> AnyHashable in
return itemLayoutProperties.object as! AnyHashable
render.onSelect { (itemRenderProperties) in
let cell = itemRenderProperties.cell as! TweetCell
let updatedSelectedTweet = itemRenderProperties.object as? Int
let currentlySelectedTweet = self?.selectedTweet ?? -1
cell.actionView?.isHidden = false
if currentlySelectedTweet == updatedSelectedTweet {
self?.selectedTweet = nil
itemRenderProperties.render?.recalculateAutomaticHeight(for: [currentlySelectedTweet], animated: true)
} else {
self?.selectedTweet = updatedSelectedTweet
itemRenderProperties.render?.recalculateAutomaticHeight(for: [currentlySelectedTweet], animated: true)
itemRenderProperties.render?.recalculateAutomaticHeight(for: [updatedSelectedTweet], animated: true)
render.beforeBind { (itemRenderProperties) in
let cell = itemRenderProperties.cell as! TweetCell
cell.actionView?.isHidden = (self?.selectedTweet != itemRenderProperties.object as? Int)
render.tableView?.allowsMultipleSelection = false
return render
override func viewDidLoad() {
view.color(.background, .white)
view.addSplitView(configurationHandler: { [unowned self] (splitView) in
splitView.direction = .horizontal
splitView.insertSafeAreaInsetsPadding(form: self.view, paddingDirection: .left)
splitView.addSubview(dataRender) { (parentRect) -> SplitViewLayoutInstruction in
return .init(layoutType: .percentage, value: 100)
splitView.insertSafeAreaInsetsPadding(form: self.view, paddingDirection: .right)
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {
var arr: [Int] = []
for n in 0...1000 {
DispatchQueue.main.async {