I have worked as an Industrial Automation programmer/Engineer for over 40 years. When I wasn't programming PLC's or industrial robots, I would write programs in C++, Python, and MicroPython for Arduinos and RaspBerry Pi's.
For several years, more than I'm willing to say, I've been working on Linux, GitHub, Docker, DJango, and React projects for my own learning experience. Nothing to really write home about, but fun for me. ποΈββοΈ
Template repository is a project I'm building from scratch into a full stack website framework. It will be a bare bones template that can be used in containers or other frameworks to build responsive and interactive websites. Come back every now and then to watch the progress.
My Python Examples is repository of Python code snippets. Feel free to check it out and copy the snippets into your own python files.
Header Dev is for use with the A4988 Stepper Motor driver module. It also contains a header for the Sunfounder IΒ²C LCD2004 Module. You can read more about it in the repository's README.md file.
MultiFunction Shield is one that I built for the Arduino Multifunction shield. It has issues that I found listed in the repository's README.md file.