What's Changed
- 🧹 restructure test logs for e2e tests by @imilchev in #1034
- 🧹 more e2e stability improvements by @imilchev in #1035
- 🐛 fix admission update flow by @imilchev in #1040
- ✨ add real healtchecks for the admission controller by @imilchev in #1041
- 🧹 extend the timeout for the validating webhook by @imilchev in #1042
- 🧹 properly set the validating webhook timeout by @imilchev in #1043
- 🧹 fix timeout seconds for admission by @imilchev in #1044
- 🧹 group dependabot updates by @imilchev in #1046
- Bump github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3 by @dependabot in #1037
- Bump go.mondoo.com/cnspec/v10 from 10.4.2 to 10.5.0 by @dependabot in #1045
- 🧹 rewrite assertions for admission e2e tests by @imilchev in #1036
- Bump the gomodupdates group with 1 update by @dependabot in #1049
- Bump azure/setup-helm from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1047
- 🧹 set node scan conditions before setting up node gc by @imilchev in #1051
- 🚀 1.21.1 by @imilchev in #1050
Full Changelog: v1.21.0...v1.21.1