Module for replicaset balancing based on API Discovery mechanism
You need to have ochaton/background preinstalled.
tarantoolctl rocks --server install discovery
local server = require 'discovery' {
upstream = {
endpoints = {"server_001:3301", "server_002:3301", "server_003:3301"},
net_box_timeout = 1, -- Default timeout for API call (seconds)
reconnect_timeout = 0.3, -- reconnect_after seconds to each server. You may pass false, to disable reconnect (not recommended)
discovery = {
method = 'api.discovery', -- Lua Proc on each server will be called to get list of methods available on the server
net_box_timeout = 0.1, -- Timeout for each call of discovery (in seconds)
refresh_timeout = 0.1, -- Timeout of refresh of discovery methods for each server (in seconds)
local users = {}
function users.get(uid)
return server:call("users.get", { uid }, { timeout = 0.1 }) -- You may specify timeout on each call
function users.retriable_get(uid)
-- You may specify timeout net_box_call and deadline for overall call
-- if method is retriable then other replicas will be tried too (use wisely)
-- each upstream must be called at most once. If all upstreams raised an error, then last_error will be reraised
return server:call("users.get", { uid }, { timeout = 0.1, deadline = fiber.time()+0.5 })
function users.limited_retriable_get(id)
-- Also user might limit number of attempts to perform on the call (good idea)
return server:call("users.get", { uid }, { timeout = 0.1, deadline = fiber.time()+0.5, max_attempts = 2 })
function users.insert(user, deadline)
return server:call("users.insert", { user }, { deadline = deadline }) -- You may even specify deadline of the request. You receive response or timeout after deadline seconds
function users.suggest(uid)
-- You may combine deadline and timeout for retriable requests.
-- If one server won't respond in `timeout` seconds
-- Then next available server will be tried until deadline is reached.
return server:call("users.suggest", { uid }, { timeout = 0.01, deadline = fiber.time()+0.05 })
api = {}
function api.discovery()
return {
is_master = == false,
methods = {
-- We can execute users.get on replicas and on master. So the weight doesn't matter
["users.get"] = { weight = 100, retriable = true },
-- We can execute users.insert only on master, so replica announce method with weight=0
-- and it is not retriable
["users.insert"] = { weight = and 0 or 100 },
-- it would be good to execute users.suggest on replica, but master is also okey, if noone online
["users.suggest"] = { weight = and 100 or 10, retriable = true },
If you have installed moonlibs/config you might want to get dynamic servers.
local server = require 'discovery' {
upstream = {
etcd = {
prefix = "/path/to/server/instances",
refresh_timeout = 30, -- timeout (seconds) to refresh etcd list
discovery = {
method = 'api.discovery', -- Lua Proc on each server will be called to get list of methods available on the server
net_box_timeout = 0.1, -- Timeout for each call of discovery (in seconds)
refresh_timeout = 0.1, -- Timeout of refresh of discovery methods for each server (in seconds)
function users.get(uid)
return server:call("users.get", {uid}, { timeout = 0.1 })
- If servers not connected or noone announces
you call on client side, server:call will be frozen till deadline is reached. - As soon as
notices that server was expelled or disabled in ETCD config it will immediatle stops routings requests to server. But connection will be closed when allon-the-fly
requests finishes.