Kard és Mágia karakter alkotó segédlet (https://app.kemkas.hu)
[EN] Please excuse the Hungish, the domain language of KéM is hungarian, but the domain language of programming is english, which resulted in this monster.
[HU] Kérlek nézd el a kevert angol kifejezeséket, ugyan a szerepáték nyelve magyar, de a programozás szakmai nyelve angol.
See deployment repo at: https://github.com/morbalint/kemkas-deployment
For frontend only see: Frontend README
To start development, spin up the docker-compose.yaml file and use yarn to start frontend dev server.
For the first time setup:
dotnet dev-certs https --clean && \
dotnet dev-certs https --format PEM --no-password -ep ~/.aspnet/https/kemkas.pem --trust
Later start the docker compose first and the project launch settings after the DB is up and running.