This is a copy of my COSC481W Group Project, 'Chat App'. I worked with a 5 person group to design, document and devlope an app inspired by 'WhatsApp'.
- Group Information
- Introduction
- User Manual
- Implementation Manual
- Conceptual Design
- Functional Requirements
- System Requirements
- Implementation Plan
- Application Programs
- Descriptiion of Programs
The objective of our project is to create a software application that facilitates communication between users. New users will be able to create an account with an email address and six character password. The account will be required for login. Users will be able to search for other users, maintain a contact list, begin new conversations and . New messages can be composed with one recipient for a 1-to-1 line of communication. New messages can also be composed with several recipients to create a group chat.
The instructions of how to use ‘Chat App’ are listed below according to action.
The system requirements of ‘Chat App’ are listed below according to the function category.
User Authentication
Sign Up
Users will enter their first and last name, email and password on the sign up screen. Once an account is created through Google Firebase Functions an Account and Profile objects will be created and stored in Google Firebase Firestore. The Account object holds the Profile object and is then stored in a collection called, ‘ACCOUNTS’ in Google Firestore according to the UID generated by Google Firebase Authentication at Sign Up. The user is then directed out of the Authentication Stack and to the home screen of the app.
Users will enter their email and password for the account they created at sign up. After a successful login the user is directed out of the Authentication Stack and to the home screen of the app.
Sign Out
Users will press the sign out button from their Profile screen which will sign them out using Google Firebase Authentication functions. They will no longer have access to the App Stack and be moved into the Authentication stack.
Error Catching
If login or sign up is unsuccessful the methods will return error messages which are displayed on screen.
Account/Profile Management
Profile View
When the users navigate to the ‘You Profile’ screen via the Navigation Drawer the data stored according to their UID in the ACCOUNTS collection on Google Firestore is pulled, specifically the Profile object which holds their name and bio. That data is then displayed on screen.
Profile Edit
The user can navigate to the Edit Profile page where they can type a new bio and press submit changes to update the value stored in their Account object which is stored in Google Firestore ACCOUNTS collection.
Account Details View
When the user navigates to view their account details data is pulled from their Account object stored in Google Firestore ACCOUNTS collection including name, email, account creation date and time, profile, conversations and contacts. The data is displayed on screen.
Contacts Management
Contacts List
When a user navigates to Contacts List from the Navigation Drawer their Accounts stored in Google Firestore ACCOUNTS collection is pulled. The CONTACTS array containing the UID’s of all their contacts in the Account object then mapped to pull profile information from the ACCOUNTS collection. The data is then sent to a list for viewing.
Search Contacts
The Users can navigate to the search screen which will pull the name and UID of all the Account objects listed in the Google Firestore ACCOUNTS collection. The accounts pulled are that of all UIDs not existing in the current user’s contacts list. The data is then displayed in a list for viewing.
Conversations Management
Conversations View
When the user enters their home screen their Accounts stored in Google Firestore ACCOUNTS collection is pulled, specifically the CONVERSATIONS array. This array contains objects which store a CID, conversation ID, and UNREADMESSAGES, which is the number of unread messages the current user has for this conversation. The CID’s are then mapped to pull the data stored by CID in the CONVERSATIONS collection stored in Google Firestore. Each conversation object’s data is pushed to the app for viewing.
Conversation Details
When in a conversation the user can view the conversation’s members. The data is pulled by the conversations CID from the CONVERSATIONS collection in Google Firestore. The USERS array containing the UID’s of all users in the conversation is pulled and mapped to get the profile data of each user from the Account object stored by UID in the ACCOUNTS collection. The data is then shown in a list on screen.
Conversations Notifications
When the user enters their home screen their Accounts stored in Google Firestore ACCOUNTS collection is pulled, specifically the CONVERSATIONS array. This array contains objects which store a CID, conversation ID, and UNREADMESSAGES, which is the number of unread messages the current user has for this conversation. If the user’s UNREAD MESSAGES is greater than 0 then the row containing the conversation’s information is bolded. The app constantly listens for changes.
Conversations Create
The users can create a new conversation from the New Chat screen. This screen renders a list of the users contacts by pulling the array of UID’s titled CONTACTS from the users’ Account object stored in the ACCOUNTS collection of Google Firestore and mapping them to listable objects for on screen viewing.
Message Management
Message Create
The user can type in their message once they enter a conversation and press send. The details of that message are stored in a Message object which is added to the Conversation’s object stored by CID in the CONVERSATIONS collection in Google Firestore. The message’s text content is set as the LASTMESSAGE and the message’s time is set as the LASTEDITED value for the Conversation object. The members of the conversation will have snapshots triggered when the message is sent which will bolden the conversations row on the Home screen and show the message’s text content and time.
Navigation Drawer
Users can access the various Navigations stack from the Navigation drawer.
Below are the functions and features of ‘Chat App’ listed by who implemented them into the system.
Sign Up
Google Firebase Authentication
Ben Bruursems: Email/6 character password using Firebase Authentication functions
Morgan Iverson: First/Last Name entry, Display of Sign Up Errors, Account/Profile Creation and Storage in Firebase Firestore
Log In
Google Firebase Authentication
Ben Bruursems: Email/Password login using Firebase Authentication functions
Morgan Iverson: Display Login Errors
React Native & Firebase Firestore
Morgan Iverson: Show Current Users Conversations, Open Conversation Chatroom and stored messages on click, Bold Unread messages, Listen for new Conversations and Bold, Start New Conversation from User Contact List, Chat Menu, Send/Receive/Store Messages
React Native Drawer Navigation
Morgan Iverson: Basic Drawer Navigator, Various Stack Navigators, Home, Contact List, Chat Room, Conversations, Profile, Account Details, Edit Profile and Search Screens
React Native & Firebase Firestore
Morgan Iverson: Display User Name and Bio, Edit Profile, View Account Details
React Native & Firebase Firestore
Morgan Iverson: Load User Contacts, View Contact Profile, Search App Users, Add Contacts from Search
Sign Out
Google Firebase Authentication
Ben Bruursems: Sign Out current user using Firebase Authentication functions
UX Styles
Yaneli Sanchez: AdobeXD UI Design
Project Report
User Manual
Morgan Iverson: Sample Outputs and User Instructions
Implementation Manual
Ben Bruursema: Firebase Connection
Yhayh Thabet: Functional Requirements
Morgan Iverson: System Requirements, Conceptual Design, Implementation Plan, Node Modules, Github Download, Code Listing, React Native Environment Set Up
This document lists instructions for setting up the development environment to edit and run ‘Chat App’.
These are instructions on how to create an environment to run a React Native App.
Ensure you have NodeJS installed Installation Guide Here
Go to Terminal
Install create-react-native-app
npm install -g create-react-native-app
cd to where you want your app to be
Create your project by entering the following line in Terminal
create-react-native-app MyProjectName
Below is a link to download a zip file containing the ‘Chat App’ source code from the main branch:
These are instructions on how to add files to your React Native App.
- Copy the unzipped files (‘_src’ folder and‘package.json’ file) into your project folder (where App.js is located)
- Open App.js
- Replace the entire contents of the file with the following code
import { StatusBar } from 'expo-status-bar';
import React from 'react';
import Providers from './_src/navigation/index.js';
export default function App() {
return (<Providers/>);
These are instructions on how to permit access of your App to Google Firebase and how to set up features including, Authentication and Firestore.
Connecting to Firebase
- Create a project on Google Firebase
- Go to Project Overview and Go to Project Settings
- Under the general section find the section titled, “Your apps”
- Select ‘< / >’
- Enter an app nickname
- Press Register App
- Copy the information between the <script> tags in the code listed under ‘Add Firebase SDK’
- Create a file called config.js in your project folder (where App.js is located)
- Ensure you have ‘firebase’ node module installed
- Add the following code to beginning of config.js
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
- Paste the contents of the <script> tags here
- Add the following line of code to the bottom of config.js
if (!firebase.apps.length) {
export { firebase };
- Whenever you want to access Google Firebase functions in a document add the following line of code to the beginning of the document
import { firebase } from '<PATHNAME>/config';
- Navigate to Authentication from your Google Firebase Project console
- Press ‘Get Started’
- Enable Email/Password Sign-In Method
- Press ‘Save’
Access Google Firebase Authentication Documentation Here
Now that you have the authorization completed, you need to set up the database to store the messaging content.
- Navigate to Firestore from your Google Firebase Project console
- Press ‘Create Project’
- Create new collections titled "ACCOUNTS" and "CONVERSATIONS"
- Select the Auto-ID option
- Select Rules across the top of the Firestore page.
- Replace the contents of the Rules document with the following which will restrict read/write access to signed in users
rules_version = '1';
service cloud.firestore {
match / databases / { database } / documents {
// Allow public read access, but only content owners can write
function signedInOrPublic() {
return request.auth.uid != null || == 'public';
match / ACCOUNTS / { account } {
allow read, write; //if signedInOrPublic();
match / CONVERSATIONS / { conversations } {
allow read, write;// if signedInOrPublic();
match / PROFILES / { profiles } {
allow read, write;//: if signedInOrPublic();
match / SESSIONS / { sessions } {
allow read, write;//: if signedInOrPublic();
match / messages / { messages } {
allow read, write;//: if signedInOrPublic();
match / users / { users } {
allow read, write;//: if signedInOrPublic();
Access Google Firebase Firestore Documentation Here
These are instructions on how to install the Node Modules required to run ‘Chat App’.
Option 1:
- Ensure you have Node or Yarn installed on your computer
- Ensure the ‘package.json’ file copied from Github is in the same folder as App.js
- Enter Terminal
- cd into the project folder (where App.js)
- Run the following command in terminal
npm install
Option 2:
- Ensure you have Node or Yarn installed on your computer
- Ensure the ‘package.json’ file copied from Github is in the same folder as App.js
- Enter Terminal
- cd into the project folder (where App.js)
- Run the following command in terminal where is the name of the module(s) to be installed
npm install <package-name> <package-name> <package-name>
Below is a listing of the node modules and their source.
These are instructions on how to run ‘Chat App’ from terminal.
- Ensure you have the node module ‘expo’ installed
- Enter Terminal
- cd into the project folder (where App.js)
- Enter the following line into terminal
expo start