Dot Logging counts life event (etc.. touch , push and more actions) with timestamp. And draw the graph of those events as "dots". Dot means the point event happend.
This application generated by CouchApp. More info about CouchApp here.
clone this application from git.
git clone git://
push App to your CouchDB Server by CouchApp command line.
cd Dot-Logging/couchapp
couchapp push http://localhost:5984/dots
browse application: open browser and access to http://localhost:5984/dots/_design/dotlgng/index.html
This application depend to libcouch-android library from
download eclipse and setup. from
setup libcouch-android: Please reference to
copy Java source code.
cp -p src/info/mtkz/android/dotlogging/ eclipse/workspace/src
copy CouchApp design document. (this design document generated by couchapp push --export
cp -p assets/dotlgng.json eclipse/workspace/assets
(optional) copy icons (drawable-*).
cp -pr res/drawable-* eclipse/workspace/res
overwrite Android Manifest.
cp -p AndroidManifest.xml eclipse/workspace/AndroidManifest.xml
export Android application (apk).