A library to interact with Marketplace
Allows to validate, create and manipulate webapps and screenshots.
#####To Test:
composer install --dev
First go and obtain your key and secret from the Api
#####Instantiate a target object
$target = new Target;
//update the Target URL if necessary with $target->setUrl($url)
#####Instantiate a credential object
$credential = new Credential;
#####Pass it to the Client
$client = new Mozilla\Marketplace\Client;
#####Create webapp if the manifest is valid
// validate manifest
$response = $client->validateManifest('http://example.com/manifest.webapp');
echo "\n\nManifest id: ".$response['id'];
echo "\nManifest is ";
if ($response["valid"]) {
echo "valid - creating webapp...";
// create webapp
$response = $client->createWebapp($response['id']);
echo "\n\nWebapp id: ".$response['id'];
} else {
echo "invalid";
- composer
- Each Object has it own responsibility
- Each Object can be easily injected in frameworks like SF2 and ZF2
- Guzzle keeps control of OAuth
- 100% Coverage