is a better watch(1)
. It can run a command periodically, displaying
its output in the full width and height of the terminal, but it can also:
- run multiple commands in split panes, independently configured, that adjust to changes in terminal size
- dynamically change the time between runs of individual commands
- dynamically add and remove new commands
- pause and unpause command runs
- highlight differences in a command's output from the previous run ("diff last" mode) or against the output at a particular point in time ("diff mark" mode)
- highlight matches of a pattern in a command's output
- manually rerun a command
- render a time-series ASCII bar graph of the numerical values in a command's output
is implemented in Python, in a single executable script, and has no
dependencies beyond the Python standard library.
$ curl -L > rolex
$ chmod +x rolex
$ ./rolex command1 arg1 arg2 -- command2 arg1
Pressing "?" or "h" in rolex
will display keybindings in less
Some work in progress and feature ideas:
- pane resizing/moving
- 256-color support
- graph mode
- friendly time ("2h23m ago")
- better configuration
- pausing/resuming individual commands