a 3 broker kafka, 1 zookeeper, & a http server contained in a docker compose file
install docker compose on your system, https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/#prerequisites
To use, edit the docker-compose.yml file and replace the 3 instances "KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME:" with your ip address (not or localhost) i.e.
run the command the following command in the same directory as above: docker-compose up -d
The kafka servers should now be running, along with the HTTP server.
To connect a kafka producer/consumer, use the bookstrap_servers: "'your ip address':9092,'your ip address':9091,'your ip address':9093"
To connect to the http producer, use send a post to 'your ip address':8081, with the headers 'Device-Id' & 'Data-Type'
You may need to setup your firewall to allow these ports through
To close the kafka servers & http server, use: docker-compose down