CC65 User Contributions (formerly located at
If you want to contribute your work to this archive, have a look at
This Repository was created from the old archive hosted at sourceforge. This repo is an ongoing effort to clean that stuff up a bit.
[DONE] unpack all archives, each into a seperate directory
[DONE] create Makefiles and provide the 3 standard targets for each
[DONE] create toplevel makefile
[TODO] all included sources should be cleaned from whatever is copied from the standard toolchain/libraries: - defines or complete header files. include the respective header files from the toolchain instead
[TODO] fix the remaining binaries (see below)
[TODO] make a github action that checks out cc65 on PR and compiles everything
[TODO] move this repo to the official cc65 account
some programs still need some extra love:
3dmaze-0.2 support TARGET=c128-vdc, atari800, apple2 in Makefile
circlefracv1-1 support TARGET=c128-vdc, atari800, apple2 in Makefile
darth-vader support TARGET=c128-vdc, atari800, apple2 in Makefile
drachenv1.1 support TARGET=c128-vdc, atari800, apple2 in Makefile
sierpinski-1.1 support TARGET=c128-vdc, atari800, apple2 in Makefile
tgi-preview-0.0.1 support TARGET=c128-vdc, atari800, apple2 in Makefile
hwclock-1.0 support TARGET=c128, c610 in Makefile
calomin the binaries (atari800) do not work correctly - there is some
problem when the music is enabled.
picoos-demo-0.8.0 the binaries (c64) do not work
aclock-geos untested
lynx-cart-demo-1.1 does not build, some things need to be updated
- entp-0.7 - library for depacking Amica Paint and Zoomatic pictures (by Monte Carlos)
- fixedpoint - Fixed Point Library (by Steffen Goerzig)
- huffman-1.0 - Huffman encoder and decoder (by Hannenz)
- hwclock-1.0 - Set and get time of day (by Stefan Haubenthal)
- mmind-1.0.0 - A simple C mastermind game (by Peter Sieg)
- speedcode-1.0 - Speedcode generator-generator (by Monte Carlos)
- sqrtv1.0 - Procedures for calculating squareroots of 8 an 16 bit numbers (includes c64 specific ECM color cycling example)
- sudoku65 - Sudoku solver (by Juergen Buchmueller, Stefan Haubenthal)
- autorun-1.5.0 - Example on making an autostart program for the C64 (by Michael McIntosh)
- loadkoala-1.0 - Koala viewer for the C64 (by MagerValp)
- picoos-demo-0.8.0 - picoOS RTOS - Demonstration Program V0.8.0 for C64
- se.g.i.t.a.i.-1.0 - Source to the BCC-Party 2007 Release Se gitai o Ilios (by Monte Carlos)
- quikman2k8-2008.11.1 - A hires Pac-Man clone for the unexpanded VIC20 (by Robert Hurst)
- pet_tetris - Tetris port for the PETs (by Tim Howe)
- calomin - Caverns of the lost miner is a platform logic game for the Atari800XL (by BAKTRA)
- lynx-cart-demo-1.1 - Cart Demo 1.1 for the Atari Lynx (by Karri Kaksonen)
- nescontrollertest-1.0 - NES Controller Input Test (by Paul Hackmann)
- circle-1.0 - (by Monte Carlos)
- even_odd-1.0 - Draws a colorful caro effect on the screen (by Monte Carlos)
- isolinev0.6 - Display rotating stripes on the screen (by Monte Carlos)
- matrixcevi - "Matrix" screen saver for the C64 (by BastetFurry, Stefan Haubenthal)
- randfade-1.0 - Small demo of how to fade out a textscreen
- simplemenu - A small library that implements a menu system (by MagerValp)
- 3dmaze-0.2 - 3D Maze game (by Stefan Haubenthal)
- circlefracv1-1 - Recursively drawing of circles (by Monte Carlos, Oliver Schmidt)
- darth-vader - draws the Darth Vader mask (by Stefan Haubenthal)
- drachenv1.1 - non-recursive algorithm to draw a dragon curve (by Monte Carlos)
- sierpinski-1.1 - Sierpinski Triangle
- tgi-preview-0.0.1 - preview of the (back then) "upcoming" TGI features (slightly patched for current TGI) (by Uz)
- aclock-geos - Port of aclock to 6502 GEOS on the Apple II and Commodore 64/128 (by Peter Godwin)
Some programs/directories formerly contained in this archive were removed, for example because their content was (or is on it's way to be) merged into the main cc65 tree:
- c64-rrr-1.0 - extended memory driver for the retro replay (waiting for rework/merge) (by Hannenz)