in order to run the application, first, you need to update three field in (src/main/resources/ 1- spring.datasource.username=sa 2 -spring.datasource.password=12345678 3- openai.api.key= I will send it by mail
second, you need to reload all Maven projects incrementally.
you can do this in 2 ways, going to maven section and click on
or you can run maven configuration as the image below:
after that we build and get all the needed dependencies, you can go to the (src/main/java/com/example/library/ class and run the main.
*** if both backend and frontend projects runs successfully you can view the books details in the UI using this url: http://localhost:3000
get APIs to test manullay
POST - http://localhost:8080/books + include in the body the book details as JSON. for instance: "title": "Spring Boot in Action", "author": "Craig Walls", "isbn": "9781617294945", "publicationYear": 2018, "description": "A comprehensive guide to Spring Boot."
GET http://localhost:8080/books/search?title =name or http://localhost:8080/books/search?author =name
PUT http://localhost:8080/books/{book-id}, you should provide the updated details in the body