Based on (Discord.js command framework)
idk more description :p
npm install git+
npm install mpp-commands-v1.git
const config = {
uri: "mpp server uri",
bot_config: {
commands: require("./commands.js"),//command require("command path") or {cmds: []}
prefix: "/",//prefix
admin: ["id"],//ID of the person who can use the command with admin.
default: ["help"]//default command, right now only help and reload is available right now
const Lest = require("mpp-commands-v1")
, cf = new Lest(config)
, client = cf.client;
client.on("hi", () => {
command file
const commands = {
cmds: [
name: "echo",//CommandName
description: "echo",//CommandDescription
example: "echo <text>",//CommandExample
category: "utils",//commandCategory
func: ({ client, message, args }) => {
client.say(`${} says "${args.join(" ")}"`);
name: "test",
description: "debug",
example: "test",
category: "DevTools",//The picture category will be fixed to Admin.
admin: true,//For the admin command, add here
func: () => {
name: "subcmd",
description: "Debug",
example: "subcmd help",
subCommand: true,//The category will be fixed to the subcommand.
commands: {}//subcommand require("subcommand path") or {cmds: []}
module.exports = commands;
<client>.lest: this.lest
//??????????????? mpp is not work
message.client.lest.config //When responding to a message, if there is another one, the config must be referenced from here.
client.lest.config = this.lest