custom enriched Japanese TeX Live environment image
: TeX Live 2024 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2023 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2022 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2021 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2020 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2019 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2018 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2017 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2016 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2015 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2014 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2013 frozen (x86_64-linux
: TeX Live 2012 frozen (x86_64-linux
These images contain the following components:
- collection-binextra
- collection-langjapanese
- collection-latexextra
- collection-luatex
- collection-fontsrecommended
- the latest haranoaji haranoaji-extra
Some tags below have additional/reduced packages:
or higher- tlmgr: add bera grotesq (TL12+)
- tlmgr: add plex (TL17+)
or higher- tlmgr: delete tex4ht (TL12+)
- tlmgr: delete make4ht tex4ebook (TL14+)
- tlmgr: delete tlcockpit (TL17+)
- tlmgr: delete haranoaji haranoaji-extra (TL19+)
or higher- tlmgr: add algorithmicx bbold bbold-type1 (TL12+)
or higher- tlmgr: add roboto (TL14+)
or higher- tlmgr: add physics systeme (TL12+)
or higher- tlmgr: add algorithms fontawesome mnsymbol ebgaramond inconsolata sourcecodepro sourcesanspro ulem (TL12+)
- tlmgr: add stix2-otf stix2-type1 (TL18+)
- tlmgr: add noto-emoji (TL19+)
We also have pushed the latest image to the GitHub Container Registry.
A common use of the image looks like this (linebreaks for readability):
docker run --rm \
--volume "$(pwd):/data" \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
munepi/tllangjapanese:latest lualatex foo.tex
This will convert the LaTeX document file foo.tex
in the current working directory into the PDF output file foo.pdf
Note that Docker options go before the image name, here munepi/tllangjapanese
, while lualatex
options come after it.
The --volume
flag maps some local directory (lefthand side of the colons) to a directory in the container (righthand side), so that you have your source files available for lualatex
to convert.
$(pwd) is quoted to protect against spaces in filenames.
Ownership of the output file is determined by the user executing lualatex
in the container.
This will generally be a user different from the local user.
It is hence a good idea to specify for docker the user and group IDs to use via the --user
is based on a custom Debian GNU/Linux image with the following packages:
- ca-certificates
- file
- fontconfig
- imagemagick
- git-core
- ghostscript
- make
- python3-pygments
- ruby
- unzip
- wget
- xz-utils, xzdec
- zstd
munepi/pandoc Our GitHub Container Registry
Munehiro Yamamoto