MongoDB, Expressjs, React/Redux, Nodejs
MERN is a fullstack implementation in MongoDB, Expressjs, React/Redux, Nodejs.
MERN stack is the idea of using Javascript/Node for fullstack web development.
$ npm i
.env (to create .env, check [prepare your secret session])
notice, you need client and server runs concurrently in different terminal session, in order to make them talk to each other
$ cd client // go to client folder
$ npm i // npm install packages
$ npm run dev // run it locally
// deployment for client app
$ npm run build // this will compile the react code using webpack and generate a folder called docs in the root level
$ npm run start // this will run the files in docs, this behavior is exactly the same how gh-pages will run your static site
$ cd server // go to server folder
$ npm i // npm install packages
$ npm run dev // run it locally
$ npm run build // this will build the server code to es5 js codes and generate a dist file
Deploy Server to Heroku
$ npm i -g heroku
$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ npm run heroku:add <your-super-amazing-heroku-app>
// remember to run this command in the root level, not the server level, so if you follow the documentation along, you may need to do `cd ..`
$ pwd
$ npm run deploy:heroku