This module extends core Ruby classes File and File::Stat with methods to query file birthtime (creation time).
For now, only systems with field st_birthtime in struct stat (BSDs with UFS2 support).
rubygem >= 1.2
working C compiler
If installing to $HOME
export RB_USER_INSTALL=true
gem install --source mwisnicki-ruby-file-birthtime
git clone git:// cd ruby-file-birthtime gem build ruby-file-birthtime.gemspec gem install file-birthtime-*.gem
require 'file_btime' # => true File.btime('.') # => Tue Jun 16 15:07:21 0200 2009'.').btime # => Tue Jun 16 15:07:21 0200 2009 File.stat('.').btime # => Tue Jun 16 15:07:21 0200 2009
Returns nil if particular filesystem does not support birthtimes (st_birthtime<0).
Add necessary checks to extconf.rb
Port to other platforms - at least Win32, MacOSX, maybe Solaris (with ZFS).