This is an attempt at a Vim mode for Textadept.
To install, clone this repo to ~/.textadept/modules/vim-adept
and add require 'vim-adept'
to ~/.textadept/init.lua
Currently supported modes are Normal, Insert, Visual and Visual Line. They are (reasonably) complete as far as movements and editing go.
It is my intention to add functionality similar to some popular VIM plugins.
Currently suported:
- vim-commentary: Commenting plugin from Tim Pope. Press
in normal mode to comment a line.gc
in visual modes to comment lines.
Some notable missing features:
- Text objects (e.g.,
) - Marking
- Folding
- Ex mode
- Splitting (textadept has built-in splitting which works just fine)
- Probably others I'm not thinking of at this time.
- Multiple clipboards (deleing, changing, yanking, etc. uses the system clipboard by default)
This makes use of Textadept's excellent mode-based key editing system. It also makes it very easy to add your own. A common
idiom in the Vim world is to add an insert mode key binding for going back to normal mode without having to hit escape.
Normally, this mapped to jj
to jk
. Personally, I use ;;
. You can set this up yourself by adding something like
the following to ~/.textadept/init.lua
keys[';'] = {
[';'] = _VIM.normalMode,
Another common idiom in the Vim world is the leader key , which is usually mapped to ,
keys.normal_mode[','] = {
['t'] = function() io.quick_open() end,
['b'] = function() ui.switch_buffer(true) end,