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adding all my perl plugins
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willixix committed Apr 17, 2012
1 parent dc6fa4e commit 83cc03a
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# ============================== SUMMARY =====================================
# Program :
# Version : 0.2
# Date : Nov 24 2006
# Author : William Leibzon - [email protected]
# Summary : This is a nagios plugin that can use 'daytime' or 'time' (RFC868)
# to make sure time on remote host is same as on localhost
# Licence : GPL - summary below, full text at
# =========================== PROGRAM LICENSE ================================
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ===================== INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLUGIN ========================
# This plugin checks that time on remote host is no more then specified number
# of seconds different then on nagios server. The time is checked using TCP
# or UDP using either daytime (port 13) or time (port 37) protocols. For more
# information about using this plugin use '-h' option
# ========================== START OF PROGRAM CODE ===========================

use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
use Date::Parse;
use Getopt::Long;

my $TIMEOUT = 5;

my $Version='0.2';

my $o_host= undef; # hostname
my $o_protocol= undef; # Protocol to use (either 'daytime' or 'daytime-udp' or 'time' or 'time-udp'
my $o_port= undef; # Port to use (allows to override default port defined for the protocol)
my $o_help= undef; # help option
my $o_timeout= $TIMEOUT; # Default 10s Timeout
my $o_verb= undef; # verbose mode
my $o_version= undef; # version info option
my $o_warn= undef; # warning level option
my $o_crit= undef; # Critical level option
my $o_perf= undef; # Performance data option
my $o_formout= 'str'; # Format of output string
my $proto= undef; # Set to "tcp" or "udp" based o_protocol option

sub print_version { print "$0: $Version\n" };

sub print_usage {
print "Usage: $0 -v | -h | -P daytime|daytime-udp|time|time-udp [-p <port>] -H <hostname> [-w <warning variance>] [-c <critical variance>] [-t <timeout seconds>] [-o str|usec] [-f]\n\n";
print "This is a nagios plugin that connects to remote host using protocol specified with -P\n";
print "which can be either daytime (port 13) or RRC868 time service (port 37) running on TCP or UDP\n";
print "and then checks that time specified on remote host is no more then <variance> seconds\n";
print "different then local time on host executing this plugin. Port numbers (13 or 37) above\n";
print "can optionally be overridden with -p option. If daytime service is used the string\n";
print "returned by remote host should be in the format like '01 JAN 2006 12:01:01 PDT'\n";
print "\ncheck_daytime plugin v. $Version by william(at), licensed under GPL\n" if !defined($o_help);

sub print_help {
print "\ncheck_daytime plugin for nagios version ",$Version,"\n";
print " by William Leibzon - william(at)\n\n";
print <<EOD;
-v, --verbose
print extra debugging information
-h, --help
print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST (STRING)
name or IP address of host to check (required parameter)
-P, --protocol=daytime|daytime-udp|time|time-udp
protocol used to get remote time (required paramter)
note that daytime protocol should give one string like
'01 JAN 2006 12:01:01 PDT' (its parsed with Date::Parse str2time)
-p, --port=port (INTEGER)
This overrides default values set based on '--protocol' parameter
which are by default 13 for daytime and 37 for time protocols
-w, --warn=variance (INTEGER)
If the difference between remote host and localhost is more then equal to this
number of seconds then cause WARNING returned to Nagios
-c, --critical=variance (INTEGER)
If the difference between remote host and localhost is more then equal to this
number of seconds then cause CRITICAL error returned to Nagios
-t, --timeout=seconds (INTEGER)
timeout for network connection (default : 5 seconds)
-f, --perfparse
Causes time & difference not only in main status line but also as perfparse output
-o, --formout=str|usec
Time printed as output is a readable time string when 'str' is specified (default)
or unix seconds with 1970 (when usec is specified)

sub error_end { print for @_; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; }

# For verbose output
sub verb { my $t=shift; print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb) ; }

# Get the alarm signal (just in case snmp timeout screws up)
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
error_end("ERROR: Timeout on alarm signal\n");

sub check_options {
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
'v' => \$o_verb, 'verbose' => \$o_verb,
'h' => \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help,
'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host,
'P:s' => \$o_protocol, 'protocol:s' => \$o_protocol,
't:i' => \$o_timeout, 'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout,
'c:i' => \$o_crit, 'critical:i' => \$o_crit,
'w:i' => \$o_warn, 'warn:i' => \$o_warn,
'p:i' => \$o_port, 'port:i' => \$o_port,
'f' => \$o_perf, 'perfparse' => \$o_perf,
'o:s' => \$o_formout, 'formout:s' => \$o_formout
if (defined($o_help)) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }
if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }
if ($o_formout!='usec' && $o_formout!='str') {
print "Invalid format for output time (-o option)\n\n";
if (!defined($o_protocol) || !defined($o_host)) {
print "Hostname (-H) and protocol (-P) are required parameters for this plugin\n\n";
else {
# Select which port and transport protocol is to be used based on "-P" parameter to the plugin
if ($o_protocol eq "daytime") {
$o_port = 13 if !defined($o_port);
$proto = "tcp";
elsif ($o_protocol eq "daytime-udp") {
$o_port = 13 if !defined($o_port);
$proto = "udp";
elsif ($o_protocol eq "time") {
$o_port = 37 if !defined($o_port);
$proto = "tcp";
elsif ($o_protocol eq "time-udp") {
$o_port = 37 if !defined($o_port);
$proto = "udp";
else {
print "Invalid protocol name $o_protocol specified with -P\n\n";

########## MAIN #######
my $return_code="OK";
my $remotedatestring = "";
my $rtime = 0;
my $ltime = 0;
my $df = 0;


# Set global timeout just in case something goes really wrong
verb("Alarm at ".($o_timeout+5));

# Open socket and then select. Also for udp send empty datagram
verb("Connecting to $o_host using $proto on port $o_port");
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $o_host, PeerPort => $o_port, Proto => $proto)
or error_end("Could not connect to $o_host on $proto port $o_port\n");
$socket->send("\n") if $proto eq "udp";
or error_end "Timeout after $o_timeout while doing select when connecting to $o_host on $proto port $o_port\n";

# Receive and process response packet and then close socket
if ($o_protocol eq "daytime" || $o_protocol eq "daytime-udp") {
$socket->recv($remotedatestring, 256);
verb("daytime protocol: got string $remotedatestring");
# str2time is from Date::Parse library
$rtime = str2time($remotedatestring);
elsif ($o_protocol eq "time" || $o_protocol eq "time-udp") {
$socket->recv($remotedatestring, length(pack("N",0)));
verb(sprintf("time protocol: got hex string %X",(unpack("N",$remotedatestring))[0]));
# time protocol on port 37 returns seconds since 1900 (17 below is for leap years to get to 1969)
$rtime = (unpack("N",$remotedatestring))[0] | 0;
$rtime -= (70*31536000 + 17*86400);
close $socket;

# Now find local time and calculate difference with what has been received and check warning and critical values
$ltime = time();
$df = $rtime - $ltime;
$df = -$df if $df < 0;
verb("$o_host time since 1969 is $rtime, localhost time is $ltime, difference is $df");
if (defined($o_warn) && $df >= $o_warn) {
$return_code = "WARNING";
if (defined($o_crit) && $df >= $o_crit) {
$return_code = "CRITICAL";

# Print result that nagios can use and exit
print "TIME $return_code - $o_host time is ";
if ($o_formout eq 'usec') {
print $rtime;
else {
print scalar(localtime($rtime));
print " ($df seconds variance)";
print " | time=$rtime diff=$df" if $o_perf;
print "\n";
exit $ERRORS{$return_code};
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions
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# ============================== SUMMARY =====================================
# Program :
# Version : 0.11
# Date : Nov 24 2006
# (added all the top comments you see, no code changes since 2005?)
# Author : William Leibzon - [email protected]
# Summary : This is a nagios plugin that makes sure two dns hostnames point
# to the same set of ip addresses
# Licence : GPL - summary below, full text at
# =========================== PROGRAM LICENSE =================================
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ===================== INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLUGIN =========================
# This is a simple nagios plugin that checks that two dns names (given as
# parameters to the plugin) have same list of ip addresses. Primary it is
# used to check virtual host name & canonical names are properly setup.
# This plugin is using Net:DNS library and should work with both ipv4 & ipv6
# but I only used this with with ipv4...
# Here is an example of how to use it to verify logical name for checked host exists:
# define command{
# command_name check_dns_virtualname
# command_line $USER1$/ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
# }
# define service{
# use gerneric-service
# host_name
# service_description Virtual DNS Name:
# check_command check_dns_virtualname!
# }
# =================================== TODO ===================================
# 1. Using GetOpt::Long for specifying parameters like timeout, etc
# 2. Report how long dns resolution took for each name and warn if there
# are significant differences
# 3. Allow multiple names to be checked (more then 2 dns names specified
# as parameters)
# ========================== START OF PROGRAM CODE ===========================

use strict;
use Net::DNS;

# Nagios specific
# use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec";
# use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);
my $TIMEOUT = 30;

sub print_usage {
print "Nagios plugin to verify dns names by william(at)\n\n";
print "Usage: realhostname virtualhostname\n";

# Get the alarm signal (just in case)
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
print ("ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios time-out)\n");

if (!defined($ARGV[0]) || !defined($ARGV[1])) {

my $HOSTNAME = $ARGV[0];


my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
my %ip_addresses;

my $err = get_ipaddresses(\%ip_addresses, $res, $HOSTNAME);
if ($err) {
print "CRITICAL ERROR - could not do lookup on $HOSTNAME - $err";
$err = get_ipaddresses(\%ip_addresses, $res, $LOGICALNAME);
if ($err) {
print "CRITICAL ERROR - could not do lookup on $LOGICALNAME - $err";

my $result_ok="";
my $result_error="";
foreach my $ip (keys %ip_addresses) {
if (defined($ip_addresses{$ip}->[1])) {
$result_ok .= " $ip";
else {
$result_error .= " only $ip_addresses{$ip}->[0] has ip $ip";

if ($result_error) {
print "CRITICAL ERROR -" . $result_error;
print "- both $HOSTNAME and $LOGICALNAME have address(es)". $result_ok if $result_ok;
print "\n";
else {
if ($result_ok) {
print "OK - $HOSTNAME and $LOGICALNAME are" . $result_ok . "\n";
exit $ERRORS{"OK"};
else {
print "WARNING - no ip addresses found for $HOSTNAME and $LOGICALNAME\n";

# should never get here...

sub get_ipaddresses{
my ($ip_hash, $dnsres, $lookupname) = @_;

my $query = $dnsres->search($lookupname);
if ($query) {
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
if ($rr->type eq "A") {
if (defined($ip_hash->{$rr->address})) {
my $temp = $ip_hash->{$rr->address};
push(@$temp, $lookupname);
else {
$ip_hash->{$rr->address} = [$lookupname];
return "";
else {
return $dnsres->errorstring;

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