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Fix type for LeastSquares gradient (JuliaFirstOrder#134)
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* add gradient test util

* fix function value type
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lostella authored Sep 29, 2021
1 parent c9a250f commit fc46398
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Showing 16 changed files with 44 additions and 40 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/functions/leastSquaresDirect.jl
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Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ function gradient!(y::AbstractArray{C, N}, f::LeastSquaresDirect{N, R, C, M, V,
f.res .-= f.b
mul!(y, adjoint(f.A), f.res)
y .*= f.lambda
fy = (f.lambda/2)*dot(f.res, f.res)
return (f.lambda / 2) * real(dot(f.res, f.res))

function prox_naive(f::LeastSquaresDirect{N, R, C}, x::AbstractArray{C, N}, gamma::R=R(1)) where {N, R, C <: RealOrComplex{R}}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/functions/leastSquaresIterative.jl
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Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function gradient!(y::AbstractArray{D, N}, f::LeastSquaresIterative{N, R, RC, M,
f.res .-= f.b
mul!(y, adjoint(f.A), f.res)
y .*= f.lambda
fy = (f.lambda/2)*dot(f.res, f.res)
return (f.lambda / 2) * real(dot(f.res, f.res))

function prox_naive(f::LeastSquaresIterative{N}, x::AbstractArray{D, N}, gamma::R=R(1)) where {N, R, D <: RealOrComplex{R}}
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ function prox_test(f, x::ArrayOrTuple{R}, gamma=R(1)) where R <: Real
return y, fy

# tests equality of the results of prox, prox! and prox_naive
function gradient_test(f, x::ArrayOrTuple{R}, gamma=R(1)) where R <: Real
grad_fx, fx = gradient(f, x)
@test typeof(fx) == R
return grad_fx, fx

# test predicates consistency
# i.e., that more specific properties imply less specific ones
# e.g., the indicator of a subspace is the indicator of a set in particular
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_cubeNormL2.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ for R in [Float16, Float32, Float64]
call_test(f, x)
gamma = R(0.5)+rand(R)
y, f_y = prox_test(f, x, gamma)
grad_f_y, f_y = gradient(f, y)
grad_f_y, f_y = gradient_test(f, y)
@test grad_f_y (x - y)/gamma
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions test/test_gradients.jl
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Expand Up @@ -149,14 +149,13 @@ for i = 1:length(stuff)
ref_∇f = stuff[i]["∇f(x)"]

ref_fx = f(x)
∇f = similar(x)
fx = gradient!(∇f, f, x)
∇f, fx = gradient_test(f, x)
@test fx ref_fx
@test ∇f ref_∇f

for j = 1:11
#For initial point x and 10 other random points
fx = gradient!(∇f, f, x)
∇f, fx = gradient_test(f, x)
for k = 1:10
# Test conditions in different directions
if ProximalOperators.is_convex(f)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test_huberLoss.jl
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ x = 1.6*x/norm(x)

call_test(f, x)
prox_test(f, x, 1.3)
grad_fx, fx = gradient(f, x)
grad_fx, fx = gradient_test(f, x)

@test abs(fx - f(x)) <= 1e-12
@test norm(0.7*1.5*x/norm(x) - grad_fx, Inf) <= 1e-12
Expand All @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ x = 1.4*x/norm(x)

call_test(f, x)
prox_test(f, x, 0.9)
grad_fx, fx = gradient(f, x)
grad_fx, fx = gradient_test(f, x)

@test abs(fx - f(x)) <= 1e-12
@test norm(0.7*x - grad_fx, Inf) <= 1e-12
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test_leastSquares.jl
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ predicates_test(f)
@test ProximalOperators.is_generalized_quadratic(f) == true
@test ProximalOperators.is_set(f) == false

grad_fx, fx = gradient(f, x)
grad_fx, fx = gradient_test(f, x)
lsres = A*x - b
@test fx 0.5*norm(lsres)^2
@test all(grad_fx .≈ (A'*lsres))
Expand All @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ lam = R(0.1) + rand(R)
f = LeastSquares(A, b, lam, iterative=(mode == :iterative))

grad_fx, fx = gradient(f, x)
grad_fx, fx = gradient_test(f, x)
@test fx (lam/2)*norm(lsres)^2
@test all(grad_fx .≈ lam*(A'*lsres))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_linear.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ for R in [Float16, Float32, Float64]
f = Linear(c)
x = randn(R, shape)
@test gradient(f, x) == (c, f(x))
@test gradient_test(f, x) == (c, f(x))
call_test(f, x)
prox_test(f, x, R(0.5)+rand(R))
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/test_logisticLoss.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ f_x_1 = f(x)

@test typeof(f_x_1) == T

grad_f_x, f_x_2 = gradient(f, x)
grad_f_x, f_x_2 = gradient_test(f, x)

f_x_ref = 5.893450123044199
grad_f_x_ref = [-1.0965878679450072, 0.17880438303317633, -0.07113880976635019, 1.3211956169668235, -0.4034121320549927]
Expand All @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ grad_f_x_ref = [-1.0965878679450072, 0.17880438303317633, -0.07113880976635019,
@test all(grad_f_x .≈ grad_f_x_ref)

z1, f_z1 = prox(f, x)
grad_f_z1, = gradient(f, z1)
grad_f_z1, = gradient_test(f, z1)

@test typeof(f_z1) == T
@test norm((x - z1)./1.0 - grad_f_z1, Inf)/norm(grad_f_z1, Inf) <= 1e-4

z2, f_z2 = prox(f, x, T(2.0))
grad_f_z2, = gradient(f, z2)
grad_f_z2, = gradient_test(f, z2)

@test typeof(f_z2) == T
@test norm((x - z2)./2.0 - grad_f_z2, Inf)/norm(grad_f_z2, Inf) <= 1e-4
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions test/test_moreauEnvelope.jl
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Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ using LinearAlgebra

x = R[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]

grad_g_x, g_x = gradient(g, x)
grad_g_x, g_x = gradient_test(g, x)

y, g_y = prox_test(g, x, R(1/2))
grad_g_y, _ = gradient(g, y)
grad_g_y, _ = gradient_test(g, y)

@test y + grad_g_y / 2 x
@test g(y) g_y
Expand All @@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ end

@test g(x) h(x)

grad_g_x, g_x = gradient(g, x)
grad_h_x, h_x = gradient(h, x)
grad_g_x, g_x = gradient_test(g, x)
grad_h_x, h_x = gradient_test(h, x)

@test g_x g(x)
@test h_x h(x)
@test all(grad_g_x .≈ grad_h_x)

y, g_y = prox_test(g, x, R(1/2))
grad_g_y, _ = gradient(g, y)
grad_g_y, _ = gradient_test(g, y)

@test y + grad_g_y / 2 x
@test g(y) g_y
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions test/test_postcompose.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ hx = call_test(h, x)

@test abs(gx-hx)/(1+abs(gx)) <= 1e-12

grad_gx, gx1 = gradient(g, x)
grad_hx, hx1 = gradient(h, x)
grad_gx, gx1 = gradient_test(g, x)
grad_hx, hx1 = gradient_test(h, x)

@test abs(gx1-gx)/(1+abs(gx)) <= 1e-12
@test abs(hx1-hx)/(1+abs(hx)) <= 1e-12
Expand All @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ hx = call_test(h, x)

@test abs(gx-hx)/(1+abs(gx)) <= 1e-12

grad_gx, gx1 = gradient(g, x)
grad_hx, hx1 = gradient(h, x)
grad_gx, gx1 = gradient_test(g, x)
grad_hx, hx1 = gradient_test(h, x)

@test abs(gx1-gx)/(1+abs(gx)) <= 1e-12
@test abs(hx1-hx)/(1+abs(hx)) <= 1e-12
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/test_precompose.jl
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Expand Up @@ -137,17 +137,17 @@ grad_gx = diagA.*diagA.*(x - b)
@test abs(g3(x) - gx)/(1+abs(gx)) <= 1e-14

call_test(g1, x)
grad_g1_x, g1_x = gradient(g1, x)
grad_g1_x, g1_x = gradient_test(g1, x)
@test abs(g1_x - gx) <= (1 + abs(gx))*1e-12
@test norm(grad_gx - grad_g1_x, Inf) <= 1e-12

call_test(g2, x)
grad_g2_x, g2_x = gradient(g2, x)
grad_g2_x, g2_x = gradient_test(g2, x)
@test abs(g2_x - gx) <= (1 + abs(gx))*1e-12
@test norm(grad_gx - grad_g2_x, Inf) <= 1e-12

call_test(g3, x)
grad_g3_x, g3_x = gradient(g3, x)
grad_g3_x, g3_x = gradient_test(g3, x)
@test abs(g3_x - gx) <= (1 + abs(gx))*1e-12
@test norm(grad_gx - grad_g3_x, Inf) <= 1e-12

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test_quadratic.jl
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ predicates_test(f)

x = randn(n)

grad_fx, fx = gradient(f, x)
grad_fx, fx = gradient_test(f, x)
@test fx 0.5*dot(x, Q*x) + dot(x, q)
@test all(grad_fx .≈ (Q*x + q))

Expand All @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Q = sparse(Q)
f = Quadratic(Q, q)
@test typeof(f) <: ProximalOperators.QuadraticDirect

grad_fx, fx = gradient(f, x)
grad_fx, fx = gradient_test(f, x)
@test fx 0.5*dot(x, Q*x) + dot(x, q)
@test all(grad_fx .≈ (Q*x + q))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_regularize.jl
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Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ gx = call_test(g, x)
@test abs(0.5*norm(res)^2 + (0.5*lam)*norm(x)^2 - gx)/(1+abs(gx)) <= 1e-12

prox_test(g, x, 0.7)
grad_gx, gx1 = gradient(g, x)
grad_gx, gx1 = gradient_test(g, x)

@test abs(gx - gx1)/(1+abs(gx)) <= 1e-12
@test norm(grad_gx - A'*(A*x - b) - lam*x, Inf)/(1+norm(grad_gx, Inf)) <= 1e-12
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/test_separableSum.jl
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Expand Up @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ fs = (SqrNormL2(), LeastSquares(randn(5,10), randn(5)))
f = SeparableSum(fs)
x, y = randn(10), randn(10)

grad_f_x_y, f_x_y = gradient(f, (x, y))
grad_f_x, f_x = gradient(fs[1], x)
grad_f_y, f_y = gradient(fs[2], y)
grad_f_x_y, f_x_y = gradient_test(f, (x, y))
grad_f_x, f_x = gradient_test(fs[1], x)
grad_f_y, f_y = gradient_test(fs[2], y)
@test norm(grad_f_x_y .- (grad_f_x, grad_f_y), Inf) <= 1e-12
@test abs((f_x+f_y)-f_x_y) <= 1e-12
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions test/test_sum.jl
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Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ xtest = randn(10)
result = f1(xtest) + f2(xtest)
@test f(xtest) result

grad1, val1 = gradient(f1, xtest)
grad2, val2 = gradient(f2, xtest)
grad1, val1 = gradient_test(f1, xtest)
grad2, val2 = gradient_test(f2, xtest)

gradsum = randn(size(xtest))
valsum = gradient!(gradsum, f, xtest)
gradsum, valsum = gradient_test(f, xtest)
@test gradsum grad1 + grad2

# nonsmooth case
Expand All @@ -43,9 +42,8 @@ xtest = randn(10)
result = g1(xtest) + g2(xtest)
@test g(xtest) result

grad1, val1 = gradient(g1, xtest)
grad2, val2 = gradient(g2, xtest)
grad1, val1 = gradient_test(g1, xtest)
grad2, val2 = gradient_test(g2, xtest)

gradsum = randn(size(xtest))
valsum = gradient!(gradsum, g, xtest)
gradsum, valsum = gradient_test(g, xtest)
@test gradsum grad1 + grad2

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