This is an example of applying a C++20 coroutine to MFC CWnd
The usage example is shown below.
FireAndForget CMFCandCoroutinesDlg::TestCoroutine()
auto print_thread_id{ [this](std::wstring_view msg) {
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << std::this_thread::get_id();
AfxMessageBox(std::format(L"{}\nThread ID: {}\n", msg, ss.str()).c_str());
} };
print_thread_id(L"Start a coroutine.");
co_await ResumeBackground();
print_thread_id(L"Running in the background for 5 seconds.");
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
co_await ResumeMfcForeground(this, WM_USER_COROUTINE);
print_thread_id(L"End of coroutine.");