Welcome to ThirtySix Studio, a modern, minimalistic agency portfolio built with React, Tailwind CSS, and GSAP animations. This project is designed to showcase a sleek, responsive design with interactive animations, suitable for agencies and freelancers looking for a visually engaging portfolio website.
ThirtySix Studio aims to blend modern design principles with seamless animations to provide an exceptional user experience. Leveraging React for the front-end, Tailwind CSS for styling, and GSAP for smooth animations, this project is a great base for building a high-quality portfolio website.
- React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- GSAP - Animation library for smooth and advanced animations
- Smooth Animations: Animated page transitions and interactive elements powered by GSAP.
- Minimalistic UI: Clean, focused design with intuitive navigation.
- Reusable Components: Built with reusable and customizable React components.
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/asynchronousJavascriptor/thirtysixstudio.git cd thirtysixstudio npm install npm run dev server starts on localhost:5173