sqlite-fs allows Linux and MacOS to mount a sqlite database file as a normal filesystem.
- Latest Rust Programming Language (≥ 1.38)
- libfuse(Linux) or osxfuse(MacOS) is required by fuse-rs
$ sqlite-fs <mount_point> [<db_path>]
If a database file doesn't exist, sqlite-fs create db file and tables.
If a database file name isn't specified, sqlite-fs use in-memory-db instead of a file. All data will be deleted when the filesystem is closed.
- Linux
$ fusermount -u <mount_point>
- Mac
$ umount <mount_point>
$ sqlite-fs ~/mount ~/filesystem.sqlite &
$ echo "Hello world\!" > ~/mount/hello.txt
$ cat ~/mount/hello.txt
Hello world!
- Create/Read/Delete directories
- Create/Read/Write/Delete files
- Change attributions
- Copy/Move files
- Create Hard Link and Symbolic Link
- Read/Write extended attributes
- [] File lock operations
- [] Strict error handling