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HDTN Implementation Features

rdudukov edited this page Mar 6, 2023 · 1 revision

HDTN is a performance optimized implementation of the DTN standard, which targets applications involving high-rate RF and optical links. HDTN features the following attributes:

  • BPv7 protocol, bundle generation and termination, storage, scheduling, link status, routing and a web interface

  • Rates exceeding Gbps may be achieved on supported platforms

  • Singular and distributed implementations have been tested on Intel, AMD & ARM architectures

  • Supported platforms include Linux and Windows

  • Interoperability tested with DTNME, ION, BPlib and microDTN

  • Technology readiness level (TRL) 6/7, assessed through system testing in relevant environments (ground and space) during 2023

Currently HDTN is targeting several mission infusion opportunities, such as:

Product Support Resources for HDTN:


  • Saturates Gbps optical links (LCRD/ILLUMA-T) with 4 second delays

  • Saturates 400 Mbps ISS RF links on constrained laptops

  • 2.4 Gbps (LTP) & 8.4Gbps (STCP) on LCRD testbed

  • >500 Mbps on small Cortex-A72 processors (Raspberry Pi)

  • 100 B up to 4 MB bundle sizes

    • 1 Gbps @ 10 KB size bundle

Completed Work

  • Convergence layers: TCPCL v3 and v4, UDP, LTP v1, STCP

  • Gracefully handle unexpected Loss of Signal (LOS)

  • BPv6

  • BPv7

  • Custody transfer (ACS and RFC 5050 style)

  • Applications: BPing, BPSendFile/BPReceiveFile, BPGen/BPSink

  • Routing: CGR, CMR, multi-destination

  • Web interface

  • Logging and statistics

  • Regularly scheduled static quality analysis (Coverity) with CI/CD pipeline for automated build, testing and static analysis scanning

  • Tested on Intel, AMD & ARM processors

  • Implemented as singular and distributed architectures

  • Supports Linux and Windows platforms

  • Interoperability with DTNME, ION, BPLib and microDTN

  • Access on demand, dynamic contact plan updates

  • LTP variable rate control

  • LTP storage to disk

  • Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS EC2

  • Software defined radio integration

  • HDTN Simulator

  • Software Defined Networking (SDN) 7150.2D Class-E release

  • BPv6/7 conversion through SDN

  • Tested with large contact plans based on Starlink satellite orbit data

  • Complies to RFC 4838, 5050, 9171, 9173, 8174, UDPCL, and 7122 standards

In Progress Features

  • NASA 7150.2D class-B software compliance

    • Cybersecurity compliance
  • API

    • Command line interface
  • F Prime (F’)

  • BPSec

  • Streaming with RTP

  • BPtables/Bundle filter

  • Auto-generate config files

  • Cognitive Communications crossover work

    • Routing based on SNN, GNN, reinforcement learning
    • Routing based on channel state information
    • Multi-objective routing: power, cost, quality of service
    • Automatically reroute based on failure detection
    • Variable data rates within a given contact
  • Edit/view config files and contact plan via web interface

Planned Work

  • Discovery

  • Network management

    • Contact plan distribution
  • NORM, multicast/anycast

  • Storage policy manager

  • Third-party library package management