DAS-1713 - Publish Docker images to
DAS-1712 - Disable DockerHub publication actions.
DAS-1695 - Ensure correct metadata is written to store.
Give compute_chunksize
a side effect to prevent pickling error in testing end to end.
Check multiprocess exit codes.
DAS-1685 - Ensure single granule requests don't attempt aggregation.
DAS 1673 - Implement smart chunking.
DAS-1536 - Ensure raised exception messages are correctly tested.
HARMONY-1189 - Update harmony-service-lib dependency to 1.0.20.
HARMONY-1178 - Handle paged STAC input
DAS-1438 - Ensure zero-dimensional variables, like a CRS, resolve full paths.
DAS-1438 - Ensure Zarr groups always use a ProcessSynchronizer
DAS-1455 - Copy exact data from NetCDF-4 input to Zarr store, including scale and offset metadata.
DAS-1379 - Only aggregate temporal dimensions.
DAS-1432 - Ensure only the Zarr store is in the STAC.
DAS-1379 - Write many input NetCDF-4 granules to single Zarr store.
DAS-1414 - Check input granule is NetCDF-4 via media type or extension.
DAS-1400 - Support bounds during dimension aggregation.
DAS-1376 - Update HarmonyAdapter
to perform many-to-one operations.
DAS-1375 - Scale dimension values to integers before finding differences in resolution calculation.
DAS-1375 - Add dimension aggregation to DimensionsMapping
DAS-1374 - Add NetCDF-4 dimension parsing classes, ready for aggregation.
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