Edge is a lightweight edge server for a CDN that runs on Node. It has no dependencies (other than Node) is quite simple to use:
var edge = require('Edge');
var edge_server = edge.createServer({host: 'nodejs.org'});
This simple configuration will reverse proxy, then cache all responses keyed on the request URL.
Additional options:
var edge_server = edge.createServer({host: 'nodejs.org',
port: 80,
pathPrefix: '/docs/v0.4.7/api/assets',
defaultMaxAge: 60*60*48 });
You can also just use directly from the command line (equivalent to above:
> node lib/edge-server.js nodejs.org 80 /docs/api/v0.4.7/api/assets 172800
Edge supports the following common features:
- Expires cached assets based on the Expires or Cache-Control headers of the origin request.
- Correctly uses client request headers to respond with 304 if possible
- Sets Cache-Control to a default if origin response doesn't have Cache-Control or Expires header
- Cookieless
- Simultaneous requests for the same cache missed asset will not result in multiple origin server requests. Each request will listen on the response of one single origin server request.
More: For more info on CDNs, Node, and why I built this see these presentation slides: https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dggt936r_21gg4kc7f6
Note: This project has not been battle-tested. It is not production-ready.... yet.