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Releases: naturalprogrammer/spring-lemon

1.0.0.M7: Added support for non-reactive microservices development

13 Oct 13:14
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Added support for non-reactive microservices development. No API breaking changes, but a lot of internal changes. For example, splitted some modules into a few more modules. Read the homepage README for more details.

WARNING: Please note that, due to module splitting and some internal improvements, some classes are now altered. For example, AbstractUser now takes only one generic parameter. Also, utility classes are splitted. For example, afterCommit is moved from LemonUtils to LecjUtils. So, you may need to update your code accordingly. Please refer to the new source code of Spring Lemon for more details.

1.0.0.M6: Added support for developing reactive microservices

10 Aug 12:29
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  1. Divided spring-lemon-reactive into two module -- to facilitate microservices development
  2. Added a new endpoint /fetch-full-token for fetching full tokens. To be called from gateway to convert a token to a self-sufficient one.
  3. Merged into
  4. Many other small enhancements

1.0.0.M5: Reactive module ready with test cases

23 Jul 15:53
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See the getting started guide for how to use the reactive module.

Note: Reactive CORS support at filter level, and OAuth2 Login not implemented - waiting for Spring Security 5.1 release

1.0.0.M4: Segregated the library, added experimental reactive WebFlux support

17 Jul 10:44
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Segregated the library into several libraries:

  1. spring-lemon-exceptions: use this if you only need exception handling part.
  2. spring-lemon-commons: use this if you need security but not user domain object or LemonController.
  3. spring-lemon-jpa: this is the one to use if you need everything.
  4. spring-lemon-reactive: the reactive, MongoDB version. It's a work on progress -- coded, but we need to write test cases and do TDD based bug fixing.

A few API breaking changes:

  1. POST /login changed to POST /api/core/login.
  2. Reset password's content type changed from x-www-url-encoded to application/json.

Look at the API documentation for details.

The group id and artifact id have changed -- look at the updated Getting Started guide.

Also, many classes were divided among modules. For example, LemonUtils has been divided into LexUtils, LecUtils, LemonUtils and LerUtils.

1.0.0.M3: Some internal enhancements

19 Jun 02:20
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No breaking API changes.

1.0.0.M2: Updated for Spring Boot 2.0, fully stateless, breaking changes

04 Apr 06:53
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This is a massive change. Apart from updating for Spring Boot 2.0, we've gone completely stateless. Please refer to the Documentation and Resources for more details.

Please note that it's not compatible with earlier versions.

Some important changes - e.g. social signup/in, API key authentication etc. Beware - the API isn't compatible with 0.11

21 May 15:46
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Some important changes - e.g. social signup/in, API key authentication etc. Beware - the API isn't compatible with 0.11

0.11.0 - Some enhancements; updates for Spring Boot 1.5

08 Mar 07:18
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Uses Spring Boot 1.5 features. Tested with 1.5.1. Please note that, due to some bug it doesn't work with Spring Boot 1.5.2.

API changes:

  1. POST .../signup changed to POST .../users
  2. GET .../users/{id}/fetch-by-id changed to GET .../users/{id}
  3. POST .../users/{id}/update changed to PUT .../users/{id}
  4. CSRF token is now sent as only a cookie (with httpReadonly false)

0.9.0 - Spring Boot 1.4 release

01 Aug 13:33
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Uses Spring Boot 1.4 features. The minimum requirement to use it is Spring Boot 1.4

0.8.6 - Fixed BeanCurrentlyInCreationException error

06 May 07:19
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For avoiding BeanCurrentlyInCreationException error, made the injection of the LemonService to AuthenticationSuccessHandler as @lazy ( See )