The following config parameters are supported, they are defined in config/default.js
and can be configured in env variables:
Name | Description | Default |
LOG_LEVEL | The log level | info |
MONGODB_URL | The MongoDB URL. This needs to be the same MongoDB used by topcoder-x-receiver, topcoder-x-processor, and topcoder-x-site | mongodb:// |
COLLECTION_COUNTS | The counts of testing data for each model | |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | The Amazon certificate key to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value | FAKE_ACCESS_KEY_ID |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | The Amazon certificate access key to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value | FAKE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY |
AWS_REGION | The Amazon certificate region to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value | FAKE_REGION |
IS_LOCAL | Use Amazon DynamoDB Local or server | 'true' |
Create testing data to mongodb, this command will generate bulk fake data to testing migration. You also can create regular data by opcoder-x-receiver/topcoder-x-processor/topcoder-x-site
npm run create-test-data
migrate mongodb data to dynamodb
npm run migrate-data
create empty tables to dynamodb
npm run create-empty-tables