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This repo for WhaleOS is based on

The ChromiumOS Platform

This repo holds (most) of the custom code that makes up the ChromiumOS platform. That largely covers daemons, programs, and libraries that were written specifically for ChromiumOS.

We moved from multiple separate repos in platform/ to a single repo in platform2/ for a number of reasons:

  • Make it easier to work across multiple projects simultaneously
  • Increase code re-use (via common libs) rather than duplicate utility functions multiple items over
  • Share the same build system

While most projects were merged, not all of them were. Some projects were standalone already (such as vboot), or never got around to being folded in (such as imageloader). Some day those extra projects might get merged in.

Similarly, some projects that were merged in, were then merged back out. This was due to the evolution of the Brillo project and collaboration with Android. That means the AOSP repos are the upstream and ChromiumOS carries copies.

Local Project Directory

Project Description
arc Tools/deamons/init-scripts to run ARC
attestation Daemon and client for managing remote attestation
authpolicy Daemon for integrating with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domains
avtest_label_detect Test tool for OCRing device labels
biod Biometrics daemon
bootid-logger Simple command to record the current boot id to the log.
bootlockbox Daemon and client for boot lockbox service.
bootsplash Frecon-based animated boot splash service
bootstat Tools for tracking points in the overall boot process (for metrics)
camera ChromeOS Camera daemon
cecservice Service for switching CEC enabled TVs on and off
cfm-dfu-notification CFM specific library for DFU notifications
chaps PKCS #11 implementation for TPM 1 devices
chromeos-common-script Shared scripts for partitions and basic disk information
chromeos-config CrOS unified build runtime config manager
chromeos-dbus-bindings Simplifies the implementation of D-Bus daemons and proxies
chromeos-nvt-tcon-updater Library for integrating the Novatek TCON firmware updater into a CrOS device
codelab Codelab exercise
common-mk Common build & test logic for platform2 projects
crash-reporter The system crash handler & reporter
cros-disks Daemon for mounting removable media (e.g. USB sticks and SD cards)
crosdns Hostname resolution service for ChromeOS
crosh The ChromiumOS shell
croslog The log manipulation command
cryptohome Daemon and tools for managing encrypted /home and /var directories
cups_proxy Daemon for proxying CUPS printing request
debugd Centralized debug daemon for random tools
dev-install Tools & settings for managing the developer environment on the device
device_management Daemon for handling device management related attributes (e.g. fwmp, install_attributes etc)
diagnostics Device telemetry and diagnostics daemons
discod Control Loop for behavioural storage devices features (e.g. UFS Write Booster)
disk_updater Utility for updating root disk firmware (e.g. SSDs and eMMC)
dlcservice Downloadable Content (DLC) Service daemon
dlp Date Leak Prevention (DLP) daemon
dns-proxy DNS Proxy daemon
easy-unlock Daemon for handling Easy Unlock requests (e.g. unlocking Chromebooks with an Android device)
faced Face Authentication Daemon
feature_usage Library to provide a unified approach to report feature usage events
featured Feature daemon for enabling and managing platform features
federated Federated computation service (Federated Analytics & Federated Learning)
feedback Daemon for headless systems that want to gather feedback (normally Chrome manages it)
flex_bluetooth Updates Floss overrides for ChromeOS Flex
flex_hwis Utility for collecting hardware information and sending it to a remote API
flex_id Utility for generating flex_id, a machine identifier for devices without VPD info
flexor Experimental ChromeOS Flex installer
foomatic_shell Simple shell used by the foomatic-rip package
fusebox FuseBox service
glib-bridge library for libchrome-glib message loop interoperation
goldfishd Android Emulator Daemon
hammerd Firmware updater utility for hammer hardware
hardware_verifier Hardware verifier tool
hermes ChromeOS LPA implementation for eSIM hardware support
hiberman ChromeOS Hibernation Manager
hps ChromeOS HPS daemon and utilities
hwsec-host-utils Hwsec-related host-only utilities
hwsec-optee-plugin Hwsec-related optee plugin
hwsec-optee-ta Hwsec-related optee plugin trusted application
hwsec-test-utils Hwsec-related test-only features
hwsec-utils Hwsec-related features
iioservice Daemon and libraries that provide sensor data to all processes
image-burner Daemon for writing disk images (e.g. recovery) to USB sticks & SD cards
imageloader Daemon for mounting signed disk images
init CrOS common startup init scripts and boot time helpers
installer CrOS installer utility (for AU/recovery/etc...)
ippusb_bridge HTTP proxy to IPP-enabled printers
kdump Fully featured kernel core debugging after a crash
kerberos Daemon for managing Kerberos tickets
libarc-attestation Library to facilitate Android Attestation and Remote Key Provisioning for ARC Keymint Daemon
libbrillo Common platform utility library
libchromeos-rs Common platform utility library for Rust
libcrossystem Library for getting ChromeOS system properties
libec Library for interacting with EC
libhwsec Library for the utility functions of all TPM related daemons except for trunks and trousers
libhwsec-foundation Library for the utility functions of all TPM related daemons and libraries
libipp Library for building and parsing IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) frames
libmems Utility library to configure, manage and retrieve events from IIO sensors
libpasswordprovider Password Provider library for securely managing credentials with system services
libsar Utility library to read the config file of IIO Sar sensors
libsegmentation Library to check which software features are allowed
login_manager Session manager for handling the life cycle of the main session (e.g. Chrome)
lorgnette Daemon for managing attached USB scanners via SANE
lvmd ChromeOS LVM daemon
machine-id-regen Utility to periodically update machine-id
media_capabilities Command line tool to show video and camera capabilities
memd Daemon that logs memory-related data and events
mems_setup Boot-time initializer tool for sensors
metrics Client side user metrics collection
midis MIDI service
minios A minimal OS used during recovery
missive Daemon for the storage of encrypted records for managed devices.
mist Modem USB Interface Switching Tool
ml Machine learning service
ml_benchmark ML performance benchmark for ChromeOS
ml_core Machine learning feature library
modemfwd Daemon for managing modem firmware updaters
mojo_service_manager Daemon for managing mojo services
mtpd Daemon for handling Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) with devices (e.g. phones)
net-base library of networking primitive data structure and common utilities
nnapi Implementation of the Android Neural Networks API
ocr Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service for ChromeOS
oobe_config Utilities for saving and restoring OOBE config state
os_install_service Service that can be triggered by the UI to install CrOS to disk from a USB device
p2p Service for sharing files between CrOS devices (e.g. updates)
parallax Visual Analysis Framework
patchpanel Platform networking daemons
pciguard Daemon to secure external PCI devices (thunderbolt etc)
perfetto_simple_producer A simple producer of perfetto: An example demonstrating how to produce Perfetto performance trace data
policy_proto Build file to compile policy proto file
policy_utils Tools and related library to set or override device policies
power_manager Userspace power management daemon and associated tools
print_tools Various tools related to the native printing system
printscanmgr ChromeOS Printing and Scanning Daemon
private_computing Daemon to save and retrieve device active date status into and from preserved file.
pwgtocanonij CUPS filter for certain Canon printers
resourced Resource Management Daemon
rgbkbd ChromeOS RGB Keyboard Daemon
rmad ChromeOS RMA Daemon
routing-simulator Debugging tool for routing subsystem
run_oci Minimalistic container runtime
runtime_probe Runtime probe tool for ChromeOS
screen-capture-utils Utilities for screen capturing (screenshot)
secagentd Daemon for detecting and reporting security related events
secanomalyd Daemon for detecting and reporting security anomalies
secure-wipe Secure disk wipe
secure_erase_file Helper tools for securely erasing files from storage (e.g. keys and PII data)
sepolicy SELinux policy for ChromeOS
shadercached Shader cache management daemon
shill ChromeOS Connection Manager
smbfs FUSE-based filesystem for accessing Samba / Windows networking shares
smbprovider Daemon for connecting Samba / Windows networking shares to the
spaced Disk space information daemon
storage_info Helper shell functions for retrieving disk information)
swap_management Swap management service
syslog-cat Helper command to forward stdout/stderr from process to syslog
system-proxy Daemon for web proxy authentication support on ChromeOS
system_api Headers and .proto files etc. to be shared with chromium
thinpool_migrator Tool for migrating the stateful filesystem to use LVM
timberslide Tool for working with EC crashes for reporting purposes
tpm2-simulator A software TPM 2.0 implementation (for testing/debugging)
tpm_manager Daemon and client for managing TPM setup and operations
tpm_softclear_utils Utilities that soft-clear TPM (for testing only)
trim Service to manage filesystem trim operations in the background
trunks Middleware and resource manager for interfacing with TPM 2.0 hardware
typecd System daemon to keep track of USB Type C state
u2fd U2FHID emulation daemon for systems with secure elements (not TPMs)
ureadahead-diff Tool to calculate difference between 2 ureadahead packs
usb_bouncer Tools for managing USBGuard white-lists and configuration on ChromeOS
userfeedback Various utilities to gather extended data for user feedback reports
uwbd Daemon for the UWB on ChromeOS
verity Userspace tools for working dm-verity (verified disk images)
vm_tools Utilities for Virtual Machine (VM) orchestration
vtpm ChromeOS virtual TPM Daemon

AOSP Project Directory

These projects can be found here:


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