The Toy Robot is pyhton console application that simulates a toy robot moving on a square tabe top of size 5x5. The robot accepts a set of commands in order to make a move.
2.1. Pre requisite:
Ensure that you have Docker engine installed on the host
2.2. Clone the toyrobot repo or download the zipped project:
$ git clone
2.3. Use commnand/teminarl tool of choice to build a docker image of the toyrobot project:
$ docker build -t toyrobot .
2.4. Run the toy robot container from the image built in 2.3
$ docker run -it --name toyrobot toyrobot
3.1. The container will launch in a command line to prompt user to enter commnands:
Enter commnand:
NB: List commands that the application accepts:
3.2. The project contains a test module script (suite of tests) used to validate the application.The test can be perfomed by executing the following commands
$ docker start robot
$ docker exec -it {cotainer-id} /bin/bash
The above command will enable the bash of the container, then enter the following command in order to execute the test script:
$ python3