Web server written in NodeJS and TypeScript and deployed to AWS ECS and ECR
│ README.md -> contains all the basic info which you should read before you start
│ .gitignore -> if you want to ignore files and not push to git, add them here
│ environment.d.ts -> add any env variable here, typescript will thank you later
│ package.json -> all the dependency and build instructions
│ package-lock.json -> dependency version locks
│ tsconfig.json -> typescript configuration file
│ tslint.json -> linters are here, so be careful 🤓
│ Dockerfile -> docker configuration file for docker build
│ .dockerignore -> files to ignore with docker
│ jest.config.js -> jest test runner configuration
│ .prettierrc -> pretify your code
│ docker-compose.yml -> pull and run all dependency such as DB locally
│ clean.sh -> delete the build folder (dist)
│ ormconfig.ts -> database/typeorm config file
└───dist/ -> all your compiled project goes here
│ └───src/ -> compiled source code
│ │ index.js -> entry point of server app
│ │ ...
│ │ ...
└───src/ -> all your source code
│ └───controller/ -> all your controller and handler should go here
│ └───router/ -> router setup for this project
│ └───server/ -> server setup for this project
│ └───database/ -> all database files like entities, migrations etc
│ └───utils/ -> common utility class
│ └───types/ -> all your types for request/response interface, non db models and Joi validators
│ │
│ │ index.ts -> entry point of server app written in TypeScript
└───deployment/ -> all your deployment and stack creation template and settings
│ │ ecs-stack.json -> cloudformation template to create ECS stack
│ │ parameter-store.sh -> add required params/secrets to AWS paramter store
│ │ rds-event.template -> SMS notification subscription for database events like fail over etc.
│ │ rds.template -> AWS teplate to create master and one read replicate for postgres DB
- Clone the repository
- Install NodeJS, NPM and Docker
- Run
npm i
inside the repo folder - Run
npm run start
to build and run the project locally
Before you build or run the server locally, you should start docker and run
docker-compose up -d or docker compose up -d
To pull down the docker containers
docker-compose down or docker compose down
- to create a new migration run
typeorm migration:create -n {migration-name}
- to run migration
typeorm migration:run
To run this project locally you need to set following env vars
- run
npm run build
for local build - run
npm run build:docker
for local docker build
- run
npm run start
for local run - run
npm run start:docker
for local docker run
- run
npm run test
to run all the tests - all the test files should go inside
folder - all test files should have
in name, ending with.ts
for examplehello.test.ts
Before you deploy this project, you need to configure your AWS CLI and AWS account
- create ECR repository, and push your docker image and then get the repo URL
- upload
to Cloudformation dashboard > create on AWS - provide the config details and ECR url and finish the stack creation
- run
sh ./deployment/parameter_store_values.sh
with all the required values filled - run
aws cloudformation create-stack \ --template-body file://deployment/rds.template \ --stack-name YourStackName
with required values filled to create RDS postgres instance - optionally you can run
aws cloudformation create-stack \ --template-body file://deployment/rds.event.template \ --stack-name YourStackName
to enable SMS notification for DB events
You can also validate the template using
aws cloudformation validate-template \
--template-body file://deployment/rds.template
Once your stack is created and running, you can then configure CI/CD pipeline to run the
test npm run test
and lint npm run lint
, then build the docker image and push to ECR. The server deployment
will be automatically updated with the latest ECR image
-- Happy coding 😉