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commit 'generate'd deps.zig to not need zigmod
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nektro committed Nov 16, 2022
1 parent 4bd08b6 commit fb89d1f
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions deps.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// zig fmt: off
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Pkg =;
const string = []const u8;

pub const GitExactStep = struct {
builder: *,
url: string,
commit: string,

pub fn create(b: *, url: string, commit: string) *GitExactStep {
var result = b.allocator.create(GitExactStep) catch @panic("memory");
result.* = GitExactStep{
.step =, b.fmt("git clone {s} @ {s}", .{ url, commit }), b.allocator, make),
.builder = b,
.url = url,
.commit = commit,

var urlpath = url;
urlpath = trimPrefix(u8, urlpath, "https://");
urlpath = trimPrefix(u8, urlpath, "git://");
const repopath = b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps/git/{s}/{s}", .{ b.cache_root, urlpath, commit });
flip(std.fs.cwd().access(repopath, .{})) catch return result;

var clonestep =, "clone");
clonestep.addArgs(&.{ "git", "clone", "-q", "--progress", url, repopath });

var checkoutstep =, "checkout");
checkoutstep.addArgs(&.{ "git", "-C", repopath, "checkout", "-q", commit });

return result;

fn make(step: * !void {
_ = step;

pub fn fetch(exe: * void {
const b = exe.builder;
inline for (comptime std.meta.declarations(package_data)) |decl| {
const path = &@field(package_data,;
const root = if (@field(package_data, |_| b.cache_root else ".";
if (path.* != null) path.* = b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps{s}", .{ root, path.*.? });
exe.step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "", "01fae956e2f17aa992e717e041a3dd457d440b31").step);
exe.step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "", "07ea6a3daa950f7bbd8bbd60c0cc2251806fde95").step);
exe.step.dependOn(&GitExactStep.create(b, "", "4b2f12808aa09be4b27a163efc424dd4e0415992").step);

fn trimPrefix(comptime T: type, haystack: []const T, needle: []const T) []const T {
if (std.mem.startsWith(T, haystack, needle)) {
return haystack[needle.len .. haystack.len];
return haystack;

fn flip(foo: anytype) !void {
_ = foo catch return;
return error.ExpectedError;

pub fn addAllTo(exe: * void {
checkMinZig(builtin.zig_version, exe);
const b = exe.builder;
for (packages) |pkg| {
var llc = false;
var vcpkg = false;
inline for (comptime std.meta.declarations(package_data)) |decl| {
const pkg = @as(Package, @field(package_data,;
const root = if ( |st| b.fmt("{s}/zigmod/deps/{s}", .{ b.cache_root, st }) else ".";
for (pkg.system_libs) |item| {
llc = true;
for (pkg.frameworks) |item| {
if (! @panic(exe.builder.fmt("a dependency is attempting to link to the framework {s}, which is only possible under Darwin", .{item}));
llc = true;
for (pkg.c_include_dirs) |item| {
exe.addIncludePath(b.fmt("{s}/{s}", .{ root, item }));
llc = true;
for (pkg.c_source_files) |item| {
exe.addCSourceFile(b.fmt("{s}/{s}", .{ root, item }), pkg.c_source_flags);
llc = true;
vcpkg = vcpkg or pkg.vcpkg;
if (llc) exe.linkLibC();
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows and vcpkg) exe.addVcpkgPaths(.static) catch |err| @panic(@errorName(err));

pub const Package = struct {
name: string = "",
entry: ?string = null,
store: ?string = null,
deps: []const *Package = &.{},
c_include_dirs: []const string = &.{},
c_source_files: []const string = &.{},
c_source_flags: []const string = &.{},
system_libs: []const string = &.{},
frameworks: []const string = &.{},
vcpkg: bool = false,

pub fn zp(self: *const Package, b: * Pkg {
var temp: [100]Pkg = undefined;
for (self.deps) |item, i| {
temp[i] = item.zp(b);
return .{
.name =,
.source = .{ .path = self.entry.? },
.dependencies = b.allocator.dupe(Pkg, temp[0..self.deps.len]) catch @panic("oom"),

fn checkMinZig(current: std.SemanticVersion, exe: * void {
const min = std.SemanticVersion.parse("0.10.0-dev.4057+349d78a44") catch return;
if (current.order(min).compare(.lt)) @panic(exe.builder.fmt("Your Zig version v{} does not meet the minimum build requirement of v{}", .{current, min}));

pub const package_data = struct {
pub var _8dglro8ootvr = Package{
pub var _tnj3qf44tpeq = Package{
.store = "/git/",
.name = "range",
.entry = "/git/",
pub var _f7dubzb7cyqe = Package{
.store = "/git/",
.name = "extras",
.entry = "/git/",
.deps = &[_]*Package{ &_tnj3qf44tpeq },
pub var _pm68dn67ppvl = Package{
.store = "/git/",
.name = "flag",
.entry = "/git/",
.deps = &[_]*Package{ &_f7dubzb7cyqe, &_tnj3qf44tpeq },
pub var _root = Package{

pub const packages = [_]*const Package{

pub const pkgs = struct {
pub const range = &package_data._tnj3qf44tpeq;
pub const flag = &package_data._pm68dn67ppvl;

pub const imports = struct {

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