Comma seperated values flash cards
├── CSVFC.cabal -- Describes the project
├── LICENSE -- The default licence from Stack
├── -- This file
├── Setup.hs -- A Stack file?
├── demo.png -- The amazing Screenie!!
├── lib
│ └── CSVFC.hs -- The core functions of CSVFC
├── src
│ └── Main.hs -- The UI wrapper for the core CSVFC
├── stack.yaml -- Stack config
├── study -- Untracked folder filled with my flashcards
│ └── ...
└── test.csv -- An example csv Q&A file format
└── tests -- The testing directory
└── tests.hs
4 directories, 10 files
Before running you will have to manually edit the filepath varialbe in src/main.hs
After downloading Stack, issue the following commands.
stack setup
stack build
stack exec CSVFC
Note: Haskell GHC will be download for you and managed for you by Stack.
One question answer pair per line.
The first comma splits the front and the back of the card.
I do very little error handling so it might blow up :)
You can add a comment if the first char in the line is #
For more examples see test.csv