2.1.29 (2023-11-19)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #2006 move the oauth-helper to http-client #2007 (stevehu)
- Fix order dependent test in handler test #1996 (SaaiVenkat)
- fixes #2003 update the module registry key to use only the CONFIG_NAM… #2004 (stevehu)
- fixes #1999 support apikey hashing option with light-hash command lin… #2000 (stevehu)
- fixes #1997 Use ServerConfig.getInstance() instead of getJsonObjectCo… #1998 (stevehu)
- fixes #1994 disble the config server response header valildation in t… #1995 (stevehu)
- fixes #1992 add back the getServerConfig to ensure backward compatibi… #1993 (stevehu)
- fixes #1990 refactor module registry to add config name #1991 (stevehu)
- fixes #1988 Add maskConfigProperties to server.yml to control the mod… #1989 (stevehu)
- fixes #1986 add maskConfigProperties to the server config #1987 (stevehu)
- fixes #1981 RequestTransformerInterceptor and ResponseTransformerInte… #1984 (stevehu)
- fixes #1982 Update the security.yml to sync with openapi-security.yml #1983 (stevehu)
- fixes #1978 register the logging.yml to the server info #1979 (stevehu)
- fixes #1976 register info.yml config to the server info #1977 (stevehu)
- fixes #1974 uncomment sign serverUrl, proxyHost and proxyPort in clie… #1975 (stevehu)
- fixes #1968 rule-load config is not registered to the server info #1973 (stevehu)
- fixes #1966 OAuthServer config is not register to the server info #1972 (stevehu)
- fixes #1964 ConfigReloadHandler is not register the module to the ser… #1971 (stevehu)
- fixes #1969 add back deref serverUrl, proxyHost and proxyPort in clie… #1970 (stevehu)
- fixes #1961 check the cacheManager before using jwt and jwk caches #1962 (stevehu)
- fixes #1952 Add delete method for CacheManager interface #1953 (stevehu)
Change the scope of dependency com.networknt:status to test. [\#1949](https://github.com/networknt/light-4j/pull/1949) ([HappyHacker123](https://github.com/HappyHacker123))
- fixes #1946 Implement JWT and JWK caches with cache-manager #1947 (stevehu)
- fixes #1944 Change the JWT cache from JwtClaims to JSON string #1945 (stevehu)
- fixes #1942 split the cache-manager to move caffeine cache to a separ… #1943 (stevehu)
- fixes #1936 verify the light-config-server response headers with jar … #1937 (stevehu)
- fixes #1939 split the CacheExplorerHandler into cache-explorer #1940 (stevehu)
- fixes #150 upgrade the http-client to 1.0.3 #1931 (stevehu)