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Releases: nfsi-canada/OBStools


30 Jan 20:53
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This release fixes some bugs and removes dependence on numpy.distutils


26 Apr 14:27
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This release fixes a number of issues with the spectral calculations, plotting functions, channel descriptions and data handling. These changes appear mostly in the codebase, the scripts being largely un-touched. Changes include:

  • Windowed Fourier transform is now calculated with scipy.signal.stft, for the QC steps and other spectral calculations. This ensures all windows are the same and avoids loading the scipy.signal.spectrogram and renders the utils.sliding_windows function obsolete.
  • The full spectra are now kept in memory, as opposed to truncated spectra for the positive frequencies. This avoids potential bugs but increases the size of objects saved to disk.
  • All example data are now provided in SAC format and no longer in .pkl files, which avoids pickle version conflicts.
  • All scripts and functions load seismic data in SAC data format and no longer save the EventStream objects as .pkl files.
  • All functions are free of StDb arguments, improving flexibility in the API
  • API docstring and documentation have been updated


05 Mar 18:13
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This new release fixes a number of details un-related with the core algorithms. Those changes appear mostly in the scripts. In particular, the changes include:

  • Component name for the pressure channel in the downloaded .SAC files has been changed from '?HH' to '?DH' to follow proper convention. This has been changed in both atacr_download_data and atacr_download_event scripts.
  • The script atacr_correct_event now automatically saves the corrected seismograms, both as a pickled EventStream object and as .SAC files, whose file name reflects the transfer function used (i.e., either the daily or station averaged transfer function (e.g., day vs sta), and the name of the transfer function applied (e.g., ZP-21)
  • The online documentation has been thoroughly updated to reflect those changes.

On the to-do list, the package is missing a script to load "event" SAC files already present on disk, as opposed to downloading them on the fly. This will occur in tandem with a forthcoming package that manages seismic data archives.


10 Dec 19:00
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This release fixes a number of minor bugs in the treatment of bad data, and provides more robust tests for cases where one or more components are missing. It also handles StDb<=0.1.4, but more work is required to upgrade to StDb=0.2.0.

Future developments will include:

  • Handling of StDb=0.2.0
  • Better handling of channels (e.g., if more than one ?DH channel)
  • Update documentation and resume CI using Travis
  • Add modules (e.g., forward modelling compliance, etc.)


19 Nov 21:40
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This is the first stable release of OBStools.


24 Jun 00:13
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OBStools is a package containing Python tools for processing broadband ocean-bottom seismic (OBS) data. Current functionalities include removing vertical component noise from tilt and compliance effects. The code uses the StDb package for querying and building a station database and can be used through command-line scripts.