- 🎓 I'm currently a student at University of Information Technology (VNUHCM - UIT).
- 🔭 I’m currently learning Algorithms,Frontend,Backend
- 💬 Ask me about Algo/FE/BE
My quotes:
While teaching, we learn. While learning, we teach.
My quotes:
While teaching, we learn. While learning, we teach.
Optimart: A full-stack e-commerce platform with a Spring Boot backend and Next.js frontend for a modern, scalable user experience.
This repository serves as a playground to explore and experiment with JHipster features and configurations
Forked from Nhat-Original/is216_be
Repo backend (spring boot) cho lớp Lập trình Java - IS216.O23
Java 3
Forked from truongcongthanh2000/TrainACM-ICPC-OLP
Solution for ACM ICPC contests from kattis, codeforces
C++ 3