- Implement one single API which accepts a todo task and records it.
- There is a maximum limit of 5 tasks per user that can be added per day.
- Write integration (functional) tests.
- Write unit tests.
- Choose a suitable architecture to make your code simple, organizable, and maintainable
framework is implemented to structure the API.
- Write a concise README
- How to run your code locally?
- A sample “curl” command to call your API
- How to run your unit tests locally?
- What do you love about your solution?
- Express routings are implemented to keep the codes clean and maintainable. Each file serves (at least) a single purpose so that reading the codes become much easier. Other functions are imported and reused, such as the database models' functions, input validation.
- Middlewares are a big part of making the HTTP request process functions more human-friendly.
- Node package
is used to extract validation errors easier, keeping the server open without crashing it.
- What else do you want us to know about however you do not have enough time to complete?
- Write some functional testing for the API.
- Currently, anyone can create a task without having an existed
, so implementing a user identification/authentication can be considered in the future. - A task reporter can report at most 5 tasks/day, so an assignee can also receive at most N tasks a day.
- A UI to validate user input more effectively.
- Give a user his/her report on the number of tasks assign/assigned in a period of time.
The detailed description of the assignment can be found here
- NodeJS ^14.17. You can download NodeJS runtime here.
npm install
to install all the dependencies.
In your terminal, run:
npm start
Your server is ready at: http://localhost:3000.
curl http://localhost:3000 | json
"message": "API ready"
The | json
tag is there to make the output more readable.
curl --header "content-type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"name\": \"frank\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\"}" http://localhost:3000/users | json
"id": 1,
"name": "frank",
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2021-12-17 07:21:09"
You have successfully created a user with id
(auto generated), name
and email
On Windows:
curl --header "content-type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"title\": \"get grocery\", \"detail\": \"buy eggs and ham\", \"due_at\": \"2021-12-31 23:59:59\", \"reporter_id\": 1}" http://localhost:3000/tasks | json
"id": 1,
"title": "get grocery",
"detail": "buy eggs and ham",
"due_at": "2021-12-31 23:59:59",
"created_at": "2021-12-17 07:24:21",
"reporter_id": 1,
"assignee_id": null
curl http://localhost:3000/tasks/count | json
"results": [
"created_date": "2021-12-17",
"reporter_id": 1,
"task_count": 1
Maximum number of tasks submitted per day by a user: 5
When you have already created 5 tasks a day, the API responded with:
curl --header "content-type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"title\": \"6th task\", \"detail\": \"this will not work\", \"due_at\": \"2021-12-31 23:59:59\", \"reporter_id\": 1}" http://localhost:3000/tasks | json
"success": false,
"message": "Reached task count limit of 5"
Technologies involved:
to create test frameworkchai
assertion librarysupertest
to create a mock HTTP request
Make sure you have closed the server before running the test.
npm test
... to run the test script with mocha
- GET /tasks
- View all tasks when there are no data.
- View all tasks when there is 1 data row.
- POST /tasks
- Send POST request with valid body.
- Send POST request with body missing property. (failed case)
- Try to create 6 tasks a day. (validation case)
- GET /users
- View all users when there are no data.
- View all users when there is 1 data row.
- POST /users
- Send POST request with valid body.
- Create a user with duplicated email, responded with
{ "message": "email duplicated" }
(validation case)