This project has been created for the unit Programming Internet of Things(COSC2755) Assignment Two at RMIT
s3663435 - Claire Taylor-Cuthbertson
s3652578 - Nhi Huynh
s3662167 - Graeme Fitt
s3652122 - Adam Bin Anis
The aim of assignment is to build a prototype for a Smart Library IoT Application. The application must be created for two types of users; library user and library admin
- Python 3.*
- Raspberry Pi 3+
- Raspberry Pi Sense Hat
- Raspberry Pi compatible Webcam
Run to create a new keypair
This will create a 'keys' directory if it doesn't exist. Inside that directory it will create two new .pub and .pem keys. .pem is private, .pub is public. It will not create them if there there are already keys with that name
Generate keys for reception pi and master pi
The reception pi and master pi should have each other's public keys (but obviously not each other's private keys)
Keys can be stored anywhere as long as it's reflected in the main config
If using automatic connection: Generate another keypair for the device used for the sync service
Make sure each device has each pub file
Read through
Read through admin_webapp/instance/
You will need a third device on a static ip. Make any required changes to
It's recommended to run this as a systemd service. You may run it manually for testing
Setting up the service: Open example.service and edit the ExecStart path to point to
Rename it (e.g. "ip.sync.service")
copy it to /etc/systemd/system/ip.sync.service
enable and start the service: sudo systemctl enable ip.sync && sudo systemctl start ip.sync
Check to make sure it's working (Look for "Active: active(running)"): sudo systemctl status ip.sync
- Sense Hat
- MySQLdb (,
- mysql.connector (
- flask
- googleapiclient (
- httplib2 (
- oauth2client (
- imutils (,
- (,
- pyzbar (
- cv2 (,
- numpy (
- face_recognition (
- cryptography.hazmat (
- cryptography.fernet (
- speech_recognition (
- COSC2755 Tutorial scripts and Lecutre example scripts