Neovim plugin to display live Jest test results and diagnostics directly in your buffer
- starts Jest in watch mode for the current buffer- updates on save
- updates on dependent file changes
- stops Jest for the current buffer- automatically stops the job on
- automatically stops the job on
- toggles between start/stop states for the current buffer:JestWatchLog
- open the Jest output log window for the current buffer:JestWatchLogToggle
- toggles the Jest output log window for the current buffer
Multiple files can be watched at the same time, simply run the JestWatch
command on each
- javascript / typescript treesitter parser must be installed/enabled
Install with your package manager:
- With
:{ "nhurlock/clownshow.nvim", -- ft = { "typescript", "javascript" }, -- cmd = "JestWatch", event = { "BufEnter *.test.[tj]s", "BufEnter *.spec.[tj]s" }, config = true }
See full configuration options in the docs.
Initialize using setup
with the default options (you don't need to supply these values):
mode = "inline", -- "inline" or "above"
show_icon = true,
show_text = false,
project_root = function()
local cmd_path = vim.fn.findfile("node_modules/.bin/jest", ".;")
return vim.fn.fnamemodify(cmd_path, ':p:h:h:h')
jest_command = function()
local cmd_path = vim.fn.findfile("node_modules/.bin/jest", ".;")
return vim.fn.fnamemodify(cmd_path, ':p')
create_output_win = function()
local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
local output_win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
vim.wo[output_win].number = false
vim.wo[output_win].cursorline = false
vim.wo[output_win].relativenumber = false
vim.wo[output_win].signcolumn = "yes:1" -- for some padding
return output_win
passed = {
icon = "✓",
text = "Passed",
hl_group = "LspDiagnosticsInformation"
failed = {
icon = "✗",
text = "Failed",
hl_group = "LspDiagnosticsError"
skipped = {
icon = "⭘",
text = "Skipped",
hl_group = "LspDiagnosticsWarning"
loading = {
icon = "●",
text = "Loading...",
hl_group = "LspDiagnosticsWarning"
Making configuration changes after initial setup
using set_options
require("clownshow").set_options({ ... })